Example sentences of "as they be with " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the words of his ‘ Old Dialogue ’ ( Flowers for Hitler , p128 ) come from this time , overshadowed as they are with other meanings and claims :
2 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
3 The halls look like Dante 's Circles , packed as they are with anxious parents grasping their child 's schedules , trying not to be late for class .
4 However , aggravations still do occur and are useful guides to remedy reaction as they are with the C scale .
5 Admittedly , she does not at any point in her letter state explicitly her desire to return ; but that is the unmistakable message conveyed by the general nuance of many of the passages , imbued as they are with a deep nostalgia for her days at Darlington Hall .
6 If anything , studies suggest the opposite : children and young adults with crude fantasies of aggression have been found to be more openly aggressive in their behaviour than those whose aggressive fantasies are muted or contain elements indicating that they are as concerned with the dangerous consequences of their aggression as they are with the aggression itself .
7 ‘ Mum and dad will be coming just as they are with no red and white or blue and white scarves , ’ said David .
8 Drugs movies such as Naked Lunch and My Own Private Idaho seem in many ways to play deliberately on the similarities between drug experience and watching a film : both of these are clearly just as much concerned with seeing wonderful things in the dark as they are with falling apart under pressure .
9 ‘ Well done , ladies , ’ Charles winked at Hari , ‘ I see the rich have come to stare , let us hope that they are as free with their orders as they are with drinking your champagne . ’
10 So far I have only described what might be termed the ‘ normal ’ , or perhaps ‘ regular ’ , inspectors , concerned as they are with the operational and engineering aspects of the job .
11 INTOXICATED as they are with the feeling that they are the World Cup champions , Pakistan , after only a brief stay at home which included a pilgrimage to Meccas at the government 's expense to offer their thanks to the Almighty Allah — besides cash awards at home from every quarter — are now here to take on England in a series of five Tests , and , for the first time in this country , five one-day internationals .
12 The socio-economic conditions are not readily amenable to change , interrelated as they are with culture , mores and national capacity for development .
13 By regulation 9 of the 1989 regulations , licences of right are not available in relation to semiconductors as they are with other designs ( such licences are normally available in the last five years of a design right ) .
14 I am sure the Government will appreciate the indignation that they will feel overburdened as they are with work , that they will now have to use their scarce resources to deal with criminal conduct arising on the railways and lastly , who is going to pay for this work ?
15 Medical practitioners were only too well aware of the social differences among their patients , and hence were as much preoccupied with class as they were with gender .
16 He was at the mercy of crack-brained adults just the same as they were with crazy Sylvester .
17 Each time I 'd wondered how they carried such a heavy load : how the pine-needles even stuck together , bound as they were with a single length of rope .
18 Obsessed as they were with hygiene and cleanliness , the Corporals had been worried ever since we had arrived at Orange that some of us were not adept at emptying our bowels neatly .
19 After all , if a fellow was not allowed below waist level — and the all-in-one pantie girdle was impregnable without traitorous and lustful help from the inside — then what else was there but hours of despairing mauling of the mammaries , offered up as they were with the aid of uplift-under-wired-half-cup-sponge-rubber-lace-nylon and steel display cases .
20 Gone are the scents , colours and sounds of the meadows of the past , alive as they were with bees , butterflies , grasshoppers , frogs and voles ; gone are the wildflowers and rippling purple headed grasses .
21 He remembered the release he had felt when he had first heard the teachings of Akhenaten , which had cut away the rotten trappings of the old beliefs , festooned as they were with the cynical speculation of the priests .
22 Even the wars and internal reforms of Peter I , bitterly unpopular as they were with great masses of his people , could not eradicate the feeling that the Tsar was , in some ultimate sense , the father and protector of the ordinary Russian .
23 They did n't want to be press barons , says Miles , they wanted a community paper , and it had n't even been easy to find an editor amongst the founding group , preoccupied as they were with art galleries and bookshops , theatre companies and poetry , and preoccupied also with that sense of freedom , and the breaking down of national barriers which had accompanied the explosion of travel in the 1960s .
24 The months of living in close proximity to her were taking their toll , combined as they were with his previous ascetic life .
25 Even Gould 's expert methods of preservation , vested as they were with such personal concern , were susceptible to the ravages of nature and a long sea voyage .
26 Painters could work as easily with gems and enamels as they could with oils and watercolours ; sculptors were as adept with gold and silver as they were with marble and bronze .
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