Example sentences of "as they be [conj] " in BNC.

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31 These may need to be debated as they were before compromises may need to be rich , but I 'm afraid it looks as though it 's gon na be a compromise only between two parties , but this is n't a .
32 For various reasons , intellectual , historical and sexual , it was easier for her to accept things as they were than for Peter .
33 Further down the street , the local baker would be telling his hapless visitors much the same story as their butcher : the cost of wheat was out of all control , and he was as sorry as they were that his prices were up , while their wages had held steady .
34 To them , books first published years ago are just as fresh , attractive and exciting as they were when first published — even if booksellers and publishers tired of them long ago .
35 But it would n't have been so funny if the robbers were n't as stupid as they were and the film would n't have been so good .
36 Meanwhile they carried on as they were and that went very well .
37 and er with my son particularly earlier on in his career things were going round and round in circles and in the end I had to step in at one point , grab all the papers as they came past as they were and saying , come on .
38 I ca n't obviously give my Noble Friend an assurance that this will be done , but in due course er I would very much hope that it would be and when it is my Noble Friend will then be able to refer to that Act with total simplicity and find his way through it and with all the original Acts amended as they were and will be after this Act has been passed .
39 Er , we did er you know practise military formations as they were as they were practised in er in those days and so on .
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