Example sentences of "as i [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Er actually , er much as I hate to admit it , I think you could be right .
2 As soon as I managed to put them on him — which was n't easy ! — he tore away at his legs like a thing possessed and ripped off most of his lovely white leg feathers in the process .
3 I found , after experimenting that I did not need any glycerine at all as I managed to get the colour to work well with just a smudge from the wet brush .
4 Meanwhile , I was struggling to unfasten myself , but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes , I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand , and more arrows on my face and body .
5 Well , I do not fish for medals , I fish for pleasure , and while my mates like to net my fish as I like to net theirs , I care very little about petty-minded , selfish ‘ rules ’ .
6 Drawing in charcoal is more like painting where as I like to encourage precise , analytical draughtsmanship which is best executed in pencil . ’
7 Much as I like to believe a man can have sex with any woman and enjoy it , it just does n't stand the test . ’
8 ‘ Nothing happened and as I like to race every weekend I signed up for a meeting in France on June 13 ’ , he said .
9 ‘ With Joan Armatrading , we did 2–3000 seaters , and that just worked fantastically , especially as I like to communicate with the audience , and people these days are n't used to that .
10 As soon as I get to sleep , I dream I 'm at the bottom of the sea . ’
11 I tend to keep a tight rein at first , and gradually relax as I get to know them .
12 And as I continued to think about how we rarely get the measure of little children , I suddenly realized why they 'd been making so much din .
13 The shelling went on for about an hour then almost complete silence descended on the area as I continued to stare to my front .
14 As I continued to eat ecstatically , feeling the strength ebbing back , he glanced uneasily into the pen .
15 Looking the picture of misery and helplessness , he snatched a few words with me as I waited to go in .
16 It was at the time of the Bulganin-Khruschev circus and my leave was very short — not long enough to clear up my mother 's affairs as I wished to do .
17 We never rested five minutes that he did not fall asleep and gave us a little nasal music , and which hindered me nothing so fully as I wished to have done .
18 I am sorry that the hon. Member for Sherwood ( Mr. Stewart ) appears about to leave the Chamber , as I intend to refer to him .
19 I fear that I may not be able to take part in the debate as I intend to cause trouble for the Government over Oxleas wood , which is in my constituency and that of the hon. Member for Woolwich ( Mr. Cartwright ) , but I hope that my hon. Friend will regard my support as being with him throughout the debate .
20 I need to know the wiring for the Nato socket as I intend to use it for towing my caravan , but will need to alter the wiring to suit or obtain another Nato plug and add the 12n/12s plugs to this .
21 Having been to confession and passed through ‘ the wall of fire ’ , Lewis wrote to Sister Penelope , ‘ the suggestion about an orgy of egoism turns out , like all the Enemy propaganda , to have just a grain of truth in it , but I have no doubt that the proper method of dealing with that is as I intend to do , to continue the practice .
22 By spending more resources on this matter , as I intend to do , having tripled our programme in the past 10 years , I believe that we shall make still further progress , with the help of education , too .
23 ‘ There 's no need to share anything , as I intend to sleep by the fire , ’ she declared firmly , and punctuated her decision by draining her mug and setting it aside .
24 ‘ Please send me by return the length of the holes at St Andrews as I intend to lay out a course on the common next weekend , ’ wrote another .
25 ‘ That is my assessment of the case , Madame , as I intend to report it to my commandant . ’
26 I like to take care of my staff , just as I intend to take care of my wife — if the one I love will marry me . ’
27 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
28 And now suddenly just as soon as I come to form twos they 've taken that away .
29 I knew to leave the door open , as I knew to clear a path to the kitchen door , while the chairs were still hand-stripped pine to me .
30 Punishments — or penalties , as I prefer to call them , because of the association of the word ‘ punishment ’ with physical retribution — show the child what he or she should n't do .
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