Example sentences of "as it should [be] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes plays straight , sometimes starts to distort , hardly perceptible at first , then more and more , until he is producing wild expressionist shrieks or light medieval dances , then gradually the hymn reasserts itself until all is as it should be .
2 The Turks are worried that the meat they so painstakingly prepared will not be as tasty as it should be .
3 If Uppark is stabilised and retained as a ruin , as it should be , the basic structure can be seen as an education itself .
4 As it should be .
5 They are possessions and their husbands think that is as it should be .
6 The Paseo simply is n't as refined as it should be , although some elements of the equation , such as the smooth , light manual shift and positive clutch , are as good as you 'll find anywhere and make it a doddle to drive .
7 He wrote out all the lyrics phonetically , so when he had to sing an Italian word , it was written down exactly as it should be pronounced .
8 Dana Gillespie : ‘ DeFries always thought that in order for us to absorb musical culture as it should be from America , we should actually go and live in America , and it took quite a few months for it all to be organized .
9 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
10 This is a spooning cheese and should be served by removing the top crust and scooping out the paste with a spoon — from the retailer 's point of view it is quite difficult to persuade customers that the cheese is as it should be .
11 If the last two decades have been just a trifle one-sided , before that the competition was excellent , with first one side holding sway and then the other , which is as it should be .
12 Everything was just as it should be .
13 Then I made one last journey through the house , the precincts , and the gardens , to see that all was as it should be , and to say goodbye .
14 It seemed rather an historic moment , but I put the thought aside ; one must not get sentimental , and everything had been done properly , had been left in order and as it should be .
15 Indeed , this is as it should be .
16 Still , life was as it should be — people with time to talk , relax and enjoy the company of each other and dogs and animals .
17 In particular the fitting of trim around the doors and working lights was not as good as it should be .
18 MV Yes , in memoirs but not imaginatively assimilated as it should be as , for example , in fiction .
19 All is as it seems , and as it should be .
20 Elijah Moshinsky directs with a light touch ( though not always quite as light as it should be ) , and Saul Radomsky 's tongue-in-cheek sets are a constant source of pleasure .
21 It seems to me that the problem is coming from the front off side spring settling 15mm more than the rear-Being someone who hates anything that 's not as it should be , it is driving me crackers .
22 ‘ Everything as it should be , Singleton ? ’
23 1 telescope ( either for looking at wonderful views from Chinese Bedroom or more likely for reading the label on object ten feet beyond the red cordon — seldom as rewarding as it should be , as it usually says ; Portrait of Unknown Lady by Anonymous Artist or Occasional Table in the style of Sheraton )
24 The equally fabulous ( equal because equally incomprehensible ) BILL ION becomes one thousand times as big , as it should be : P£25 .
25 Their wedding day , as described by Emma in her recollections , was ‘ a perfect September day — 17th , 1874 — not a brilliant sunshine , but wearing a soft , sunny luminousness ; just as it should be ’ .
26 Towards evening , Ian thought that he had better make certain that everything was in order , before the Colonel returned , and telephoned his friend : ‘ Now Ian , everything is just as fine as it should be ; you can tell the Colonel that his good lady will be well out to sea by now . ’
27 There seems little likelihood of more resources ( in terms of money ) becoming available , as a proportion of the total GDP ; and perhaps this is as it should be .
28 Clearly , much room is left for the discretion of the doctor , and this is as it should be , since the assessment of the patient 's prognosis is one of his distinct skills .
29 Now , on the corner of Monteoliveto , and only a short walk from other similar churches , he felt once again that little nag of doubt : maybe all this was not as it should be after all .
30 Even if the bottom rung of the ladder is within easy reach of the child , as it should be , the curriculum is a ladder .
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