Example sentences of "as it do not " in BNC.

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1 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
2 Eat self-blanching celery as soon as possible as it does not keep well for long periods .
3 This is tougher than it first looks as it does not cover news , sport , game-shows or teletext services .
4 Such horses often have a very long coat of hair , a ‘ malnutrition coat ’ , which the horse grows against cold , as it does not have the normal layer of fat under its skin to protect it .
5 As long as it does not question the Islamic system , parliament can engage in genuine debate .
6 Undressing is easier than dressing , as it does not involve so much planning , so even the patient with perceptual problems can generally manage .
7 Damp is acceptable so long as the cellar is not in use and so long as it does not rise above the ground floor dpc .
8 An extra incentive can be useful so long as it does not become a too regular ( relied upon ) habit .
9 As long as it does not impinge upon another 's needs , get up and fight for your rights , your space and for your needs .
10 Another counterexample proposed by Stoyanov ( 1979 ) has proved to be incorrect as it does not satisfy the required boundary conditions ( see Section 10.2 ) .
11 The emperor 's approach is to adhere to that principle and hold the trust to be valid in so far as it does not conflict with it : that is , as far as the daughter benefited under her father 's will .
12 As it does not offend it tends to survive and to remain to waste readers ' time .
13 Martin uses balloon fabric , as it does not crease as easily as spinnaker ripstop .
14 Whatever we honestly desire , imagine and expect — so long as it does not conflict with our thoughts , beliefs and attitudes — will happen .
15 It requires a deep tank and ideally should be planted on its own , as it does not readily establish well with most other plants .
16 For example , a warrant will usually not be a liability as it does not contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits .
17 The straight line method was rejected as it does not reflect the relationship between finance costs and the amount outstanding .
18 ‘ ’ Do what you want ’ shall be the whole of the law' was a favourite catch phrase of the occultist Aleister Crowley , but in fact it is the ‘ law ’ of the private kingdom — with the added rider , ‘ as long as it does not interfere with other people 's personal preferences ’ .
19 Adhesives can be either rubber solution glue or egg white , which was used by the Victorians , and I think it is still the best option as it does not mark the leaves and flowers — commercial glues do after a time .
20 I am working on a replacement for him as it does not look as though he will be available until June . ’
21 I find that the full needle welt is kinder to the mature figure ( like mine ) when it is to be followed by a tuck stitch fabric as it does not pull in so quite much as the 2x1 rib .
22 Printing in black tends to be the least expensive as it does not mean that the machinery needs cleaning of black ink .
23 This essay is , incidentally , unusually accessible for the lay reader as it does not rely on any familiarity with the technical terminology that he developed later .
24 The very idea of ‘ disciplinary cultures ’ is itself problematic , involving as it does not one but two rather elusive concepts ; and many disciplines appear less homogeneous to insiders than they look from the outside .
25 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
26 We do not advocate routine use of a laryngeal mask in anaesthesia to control tonsillar haemorrhage as it does not guarantee protection from aspiration of blood and gastric contents .
27 In Jordan v. Burgoyne Lord Parker C.J. made the point that the expressions ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ are all ‘ very strong words , ’ and Lord Reid in Brutus v. Cozens repeated the warning against too expansive a reading of the section , observing that ‘ vigorous and it may be distasteful or unmannerly speech or behaviour is permitted so long as it does not go beyond any of these limits . ’
28 If you cut off your nose and ears before we perform , I shall not complain , so long as it does not mar your ability to dance . ’
29 This contention is problematical , though , as it does not address the way in which mental health services fail to engage Afro-Caribbean families in culturally appropriate services .
30 It is not particularly illuminating for the layman , as it does not specify the actual charge or reflect the real costs incurred in making the voyage .
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