Example sentences of "as there had be " in BNC.

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1 There was no volte-face here as there had been on religion .
2 In the pain there was both forgetfulness and satisfaction , just as there had been when Maggie was born .
3 When I explained that my husband had been a member of the British armed forces and was in uniform , the official seemed to lose all interest , which I thought strange , as there had been French and Belgian equivalents of the S.A.S. in 1944 .
4 There was no shrub and palm cover bound by creepers as there had been in the rain forest so that the track was little protected from the squalls that struck up the mountainside , screeching like banshees , as they bowed the slender treetrunks almost to the ground .
5 Apart from this , the Emperor was afraid that if the Duke de Montpensier , who was married to Isabella 's sister , became King there would be a civil war in Spain as there had been in 1830 , when ‘ a sister had dethroned a sister ’ .
6 There was no proper funeral , as there had been no proper wedding ceremony ; they simply hauled the waterlogged body onto a bonfire of driftwood , and even though the sea wind at dawn had made the fire hot enough to break the stones of the beach , it was six hours before the body was gone , and then they had to wait a whole day before they could rake the ashes for his bones and send them to her .
7 In the police service there was no simple end to the day as there had been no simple beginning .
8 The story goes that one dismal morning they were detailed to take their Mosquito , ‘ D ’ for Dog , up for testing , and as there had been quite a party in the Mess on the previous evening , neither was feeling in the best of moods as they trudged out to dispersal at the crack of dawn .
9 Nor was there the usual rise in ammonia or nitrite levels , as there had been in the past .
10 When they reached the market place , he realised that his father had been right : there were nowhere near as many workers as there had been in previous Novembers .
11 As there had been no time for it to be considered , the hearing was adjourned until November 1990 .
12 Clearly there were as many flaws in the current version of the Big Bang Theory as there had been in the Steady State Theory .
13 Now we were at 2,000 feet , the grasslands and such trees as there had been were below us .
14 There remained in the polytechnics ( as there had been in the former teacher training colleges ) lecturers who , having experience of teaching in primary schools , acknowledged the importance of approaching teacher education in a broader , more holistic way .
15 Leicester C.C. ( N.C. , 1985 ) said that where an order had to be laid before Parliament , laying before the House of Commons was sufficient as there had been substantial compliance with the procedural requirements .
16 There was no attempt , as there had been in 1919 , to withdraw from a world role .
17 Even in the urban core where there has been massive population loss associated with slum clearance , there were almost as many dwellings in 1981 as there had been in 1961 and , as Table 3.4 shows , the area now has a far higher standard of amenity .
18 ( 2 ) That no stay was to be imposed unless a defendant established on the balance of probabilities that , owing to the delay , he would suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial could be held , in that the continuation of the prosecution amounted to a misuse of the process of the court ; that , in assessing whether there was likely to be prejudice and if so whether it could properly be described as serious , the court should bear in mind the trial judge 's power at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence , the trial process itself which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay would be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , and the judge 's powers to give appropriate directions before the jury considered their verdict ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's decision to stay the proceedings had been wrong , since such delay as there had been was not unjustifiable , the chances of prejudice were remote , the degree of potential prejudice was small , the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the police officer , there was no danger of the trial being unfair and in any event the case was not exceptional so as to justify the ruling ( post , p. 19B–E ) .
19 No sense of urgency or enthusiasm here , just as there had been no promise of support in the seamen 's ballot of the previous June .
20 There were no major artists on Virgin whose sensibilities were likely to be offended as there had been at the Pistols ' previous stopovers ; no American parent company to interfere .
21 Would there be cakes and ‘ Happy Birthday , Jesus ’ from the guards as there had been the previous two Christmases ?
22 As long as there had been secrets , she had felt close to him but now , with the opening of these two slim packages , the last of those secrets would be gone .
23 Yet there is no complete autonomy for the Spirit , just as there had been none for Jesus .
24 In the lands west of the Rhine , there was in principle , as there had been in late Roman times , a count for each civitas , though in practice , one man often held two or more neighbouring civitates .
25 Certainly that was as close to a gap in the smokescreen as there had been , when Charlie 's Indians were screaming ( silently ) for a quick sale to sever their connection but before a barricade of shell companies could be erected to take it over …
26 Here , in the region , there had been as much talk of Stokoe 's stars in the Wembley build up as there had been of the side Malcolm Crosby led out against Liverpool .
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