Example sentences of "that [be] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 That is them is it ?
2 ‘ This is what all the other guests say , sir , and that is what is puzzling us . ’
3 If that is what is intended , the objector would say , then constructivism is nothing more than a kind of behaviourism ( another attempt to replace the mental by the behavioural ) ; or perhaps we might lump it together with Marxist attempts to ‘ resolve ’ the mind-body problem in terms of ‘ praxis ’ .
4 Only the first part of this work is much read nowadays and that is what is discussed here .
5 That is what is happening now .
6 The history of parish organization , for that is what is in question here , can not be written in a paragraph .
7 But that is what is likely to happen .
8 It is popularly believed that the main affliction is of the skin , because that is what is most readily seen and diagnosed .
9 That is what is wrong with narcissistic chat shows which create , then devour , media personalities who have not achieved anything in the real world ; or politics coverage which concentrates on the intra-party power struggles rather than the world to which the party hopes to appeal .
10 They had discovered the kingdom of Heaven for that is what is compared to both the treasure and the pearl .
11 One of England 's finest DJs , Lisa Loud , summed it all up by saying , ‘ Look between the ears and see the brain , that is what is important . ’
12 This particular interpretation of the word ‘ object ’ was invented as if to make it virtually some sort of fetish , serving as a basis for an entire movement ; and that is what is interesting : found objects , this object , that object .
13 And yet that is what is needed .
14 That is what is distinctive about the politics of the past century , and , to some extent , the politics of the two centuries since the American and French revolutions .
15 There is a type of expression which is frequently included in the category of idiom , but which , it will be argued , ought to be kept distinct , and that is what is sometimes called ‘ frozen ’ or ‘ dead ’ metaphor .
16 There must be the finding of the court as well as that of the jury , and that is what is meant by the ‘ substance and effect of the conviction . ’
17 Or rather , that is what is supposed to happen .
18 That is what is the matter with her . ’
19 ‘ I have a managerial role , organising in-service training and schedule , but I also teach and that is what is important to me .
20 That is what is being said by many .
21 It can be immensely useful — and that is what is looked for with lateral thinking — or it can be false .
22 That is what is going on there , under the scrubby oak tree , hour after hour ,
23 It also indicates the much more haunting proposition for Spenser , that Ireland may scourge England because that is what is divinely desired and there is no escape .
24 In spite of this , the words ‘ buyer beware ’ still carry a very real warning in one type of purchase and that is what is colloquially called a private sale .
25 That is what is known as a pre-emptive whinge .
26 During the run-up to the general election , the Government do not want to hear the word ’ privatisation ’ , but that is what is in store for the coal industry — or is it ?
27 That is what is threatened at Thurcroft at the moment .
28 The British people will not accept the relegation of the mother of Parliaments to the level of the legislature of the state of Nevada ; but that is what is on offer to us if we go down the path of full political union .
29 That is what is causing so much distress on both sides of the House .
30 Elderly people are being given food and water to persuade them not to vote for SWAPO and people are being shown videos of the Ethiopian famine and told that that is what is in store for them , according to Andimba Toivo ja Toivo , SWAPO 's Secretary General .
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