Example sentences of "that [noun] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , the Law Commission in their Report No 160 ( 1987 ) proposed ( see para 6.27 ) that reliance should no longer be possible and that s14(2) should be made subject to s15(2) ( c ) .
2 That persistence must however be seen against the background of the following factors : ( a ) the weakness of her faith as I have found it ; ( b ) the fact that no explanation was ever offered to her by anyone in medical authority as to the risks that a refusal to have a blood transfusion presented to her health indeed to her life .
3 When the Conwy tunnel was built we were told that money would then be available , ’ he said .
4 Is she also aware of the fact that the National Sounds Archive now housed in Exhibition Road in South Kensington , ought really to be next door to the Music Library and it has always been the ambition of the Library to put it there and that furthermore , and here I speak from great knowledge because I negotiated the arrangement , if that site at Exhibition Road for the National Sounds Archive Library is sold , that money can only be used under the term of that agreement to provide similar accommodation elsewhere .
5 That 's going to go er it was jointly organised by the County Council with Oxfam and the local Rotary Club at Thame — the money will go to local charities that Thame Rotary choose and also to particularly one project in Zimbabwe of Oxfam 's , a health project and a large part of that money will actually buy more bikes for the health workers to use to do their work .
6 Burkett observed that money could even buy speed as they swung the precisely crafted oars through the beautifully modelled oarlocks .
7 Whatever claims for the English language he may wish to make from a supposedly technical , linguistic perspective , he can not assume that attributing ‘ objectivity ’ to it is unproblematic , or that the meaning attributed to it within that sub-culture can safely be carried over into cross-cultural correlations with the features of certain languages and grammars .
8 The Education Ministry announced on Feb. 7 , 1990 , that Russian would no longer be obligatory in schools .
9 Exactly what happened in that building will never be known .
10 If they hoped that freedom would automatically bring intellectual variety and competition they must be disappointed with the press and pessimistic about the effects of deregulation on broadcasting , however .
11 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
12 There is not doubt at all that smoking can seriously damage your health .
13 At that point , we believed that the Bill would be an irrelevance and unnecessary given that prisoners can already be charged with a wide range of criminal offences , including offences under the Public Order Act 1986 .
14 Now if that car had pushed on and did n't brake when he did , that driver would either have taken car out or the keep left bollards would n't he ?
15 Yet even these others ( researchers ) have to be given a direction and that direction can only come from some pre-existing knowledge in the field .
16 I should save the trip until the weekend , when we can all go , besides , she 'll be bored with all your old historical studies , she 'll want to be with other people of her own age , other Americans , perhaps — I mean , there are plenty of them about the place , goodness knows , and that shirt should really go in the wash straight away . ’
17 That support will undoubtedly be forthcoming for while it is Frank Holden today , who knows , into the future , who will be put into a similar predicament if the Bank is allowed to get away with its present unreasonable stance .
18 Although the London Borough of Southwark agreed to maintain the level of funding to some of the projects for a short time after the demise of the I. L. E. A. , that support can no longer be guaranteed .
19 But there came a time when that struggle could no longer increase life enjoyment as far as the adult population was concerned .
20 Another reason for its failure was that CAFFE could only ever provide a single path through the diagnostic tree ; there was no way to volunteer information and to jump ahead to a later section of the flow chart .
21 The woman lowered her voice so that Ianthe could hardly hear it above the noise of the train .
22 Moreover , when we consider the courses that Pound was led into by his conviction of the civic responsibility of the man of letters — his money pamphlets of the 1930s , his desperate visit home in 1938 to keep the USA out of war with Italy , particularly his wartime broadcasts over Rome radio — we have some right to conclude either that the artist has no civic responsibility at all , or else that that responsibility can safely be discharged only in his art and nowhere else .
23 In terms of the dictum in Lord Roskill 's speech in Seymour [ 1983 ] 2 AC 493 , Parliament had otherwise ordained with regard to recklessness in s.47 — after Spratt it seems that Parliament can otherwise ordain without expressing such a wish .
24 Although any " alternative doctrine must be highly speculative " , the influential Halsbury 's Laws of England goes on to recognise that : " for many constitutional theorists the question of whether parliamentary sovereignty presupposes that Parliament must always remain sovereign and can not be bound by the legislation of its predecessors , or whether Parliament 's sovereignty entitles it to restrict its power to legislate , or deprive itself of the power to legislate , remains open . "
25 That taxes should now be used to reduce inequality is , however , clearly outside the realm of comfortable thought .
26 Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder , RAF commander in Egypt , wrote that ‘ the cloven hoof of Pan American [ is ] now well to the fore ’ , and called BOAC 's attitude ‘ hopelessly defeatist ’ , Pan American was making inroads in Africa and the Middle East that BOAC might never be able to match .
27 It follows , therefore , that our priorities are based on protecting the welfare not only of individual animals but of groups of animals , and this priority has to be followed even in circumstances where to carry out that protection might conceivably have an adverse effect on the environment .
28 Conversely , initiating translocation with phorbol myristate acetate protects , but that protection can still be blocked if an adenosine receptor antagonist is then administered ; repopulation of adenosine receptors during the second coronary occlusion is required to reactivate the translocated PKC .
29 That course would doubtless prompt an application by the P.C.A. to set aside the subpoena on grounds of public interest immunity .
30 That case can thus be seen to proceed on the same basis as the colore officii cases .
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