Example sentences of "as come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Had this book been written in 1964 , for example , the responsibilities of the Department of Health and Social Security would have been described as coming under the Ministry of Health , the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance , and the National Assistance Board .
2 But the ability to recognize a word as coming from the original list was uninfluenced by the change of context .
3 Madell Wilmot , chief executive John Madell dismisses complaints as coming from the ‘ loony fringe ’ , saying the Independent Television Association managed to pass the ad without any major comment .
4 Busek , who was Minister of Science and Research in Vranitzky 's government and was seen as coming from the ÖVP 's progressive wing , won 325 votes against 252 for Bernhard Görg , an economist .
5 He identified it immediately as coming from the Sark Pottery .
6 In both cases however the infinitive evokes a result — something therefore which is conceived as coming after the actual operation of perception .
7 Since the infinitive evokes the effect , to represent it as a mere result produced on the patient implies representing it as coming after the operation of producing this effect ( = the making ) , whence the use of to express the before/after relationship between the two events .
8 Let represents permission as non-intervention , i.e. as not obstructing the accomplishment of the event expressed by the infinitive , and so the letting can not be conceived as coming before the event permitted ( indeed one can not say that one has let someone do something until they have actually done it ) .
9 If during repairs , further underlying damage is found , this damage may only be accepted as coming within the cover of the policy if it is directly related to the incident giving rise to the claim .
10 The measure was not the subject of a specific UN resolution , although its proponents saw it as coming within the scope of general principles of international humanitarian law , and as providing a safer environment for Western reconnaissance aircraft to monitor Iraqi compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 688 of April 1991 against " repression of the Iraqi civilian population " [ see p. 38127 ] .
11 Section 1(2) of the Patents Act 1977 contains those which can generally be classified as coming within the scope of copyright law or the law of confidence and , in that context , computer programs are of particular interest .
12 he 's er cut up , as soon as comes in the morning he likes a piece of toast .
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