Example sentences of "as well [conj] with " in BNC.

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1 This distinction can be limpid if the artist is directly interviewed , and the interview is verbatim ; but there are problems of evidence with filming and tape recordings , as well as with interviews , since the viewer or reader is unlikely to know how they have been edited .
2 ‘ East Coker ’ is concerned with civilization at its beginning and end , as well as with purely individual values .
3 Lewis 's immediate success with the general public , and the huge popularity of his theological books , guaranteed him a rough ride with the Fellows of Magdalen , as well as with those in the Oxford Faculties of Theology and English Literature .
4 It will also have to be seen in close relationship with other aspects of rural society and the economy , as well as with the overall social and economic structures at national and European levels .
5 Rosa scandens and R. sempervirens were classed as ‘ climbing shrubby plants ’ alongside ceanothus and jasmine , as well as with ‘ hardy greens ’ like holly , phillyrea and viburnum .
6 Furthermore , he manages to articulate the feeling that something has gone seriously wrong with the so-called rational scientific world , as well as with traditional theology .
7 The back plays an essential part in the forward movement , the powerful extensor muscles of the neck and back co-operating with the lower neck muscles , as well as with those of the inside thigh and stomach .
8 Certainly ‘ equality of esteem ’ , originally intended to cover all the parts of the tripartite school system , did not exist , and parents became increasingly discontented with the outcome of the 11 + , as well as with the strain and anxiety it imposed on children , primary teachers , and families .
9 The deep sea trawlers from Aberdeen , Fraserburgh , Peterhead and Lerwick have problems getting their fish to the markets , as well as with foreign competition at sea .
10 During the use of such programs , the user becomes familiar with the layout of the keyboard and typing in information , as well as with search program commands .
11 There is room for further co-operation between them , as well as with new , fledgling national clearinghouses .
12 Parents discussed their children 's sleep diaries and their aims for improvement in twos and threes as well as with the whole group .
13 The vital three-year sponsorship deal is with six major Japanese corporations , as well as with European and American companies , including Hitachi , Castrol and Devil Dirt .
14 Cabo Virgenes , which is today surmounted by a lighthouse that flashes a powerful beam every five seconds , as well as with a foghorn and a radio direction beacon , is perhaps the most navigationally important point on the Atlantic coast of South America .
15 A towel will be required to dry off your pet , and it is a good idea to accustom a puppy to being dried in this fashion , as well as with a hair-dryer .
16 The spirit of Rogal Dorn must indeed have granted him supraphysical strength to wrestle with such weight as well as with his own .
17 Issues that should take at least an hour of discussion with colleagues , as well as with the pupil concerned , have to be dealt with in two minutes at the staffroom door during break .
18 Alongside the drawings will be displayed examples of metalwork and silverwork by architect/designers such as Adam and Kent , while the project is intended to be seen as part of a conceptual whole with the recently-opened ornament and twentieth-century galleries , as well as with the Lloyd Wright display .
19 We also show that the Bcl-2 protein in overexpressing cells is associated with the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum , as well as with mitochondria .
20 We have shown the following : ( 1 ) cells without mtDNA , and therefore lacking respiratory chain activity , are still able to undergo apoptosis when either deprived of survival factors or exposed to high concentrations of staurosporine ; ( 2 ) such cells can be protected from apoptosis by the overexpression of bcl-2 ; ( 3 ) the overexpression of bcl-2 in cells ( with or without mtDNA ) does not significantly alter respiratory chain activity ; ( 4 ) the Bcl-2 protein in these cells is associated with the nuclear envelope and ER , as well as with mitochondria .
21 She felt sick , as if Zoe had quarrelled so horribly with her , as well as with her mother .
22 This arises chiefly from the fact , that by unconscious tacit agreement , as well as with outspoken conscious determination , the working-people 's quarters are sharply separated from the sections of the city reserved for the middle-class …
23 There is no conception in Adorno of listeners coproducing musical meaning directly , at the moment of creation ; clearly this has to do with his undervaluing of performance and overvaluing of the written score , as well as with the centrality in his thinking of a relatively narrow , homogeneous musical culture , in which variations in musical interpretation were not significant .
24 This technique can be employed with normal subjects , as well as with commissurotomised patients , although the presence of intact mid-line commissures in normals means that visual information presumably does not remain lateralised to one hemisphere as it does in split-brain patients .
25 Work on the social conditions of art overlaps , evidently , with general aesthetics and some branches of psychology , as well as with history .
26 Here again there is some convergence with the work of a more directly sociological tradition , and especially ( though many theoretical problems are then raised ) with Mannheim ( 1936 and 1956 ) , as well as with a number of empirical studies of specific groups and conditions ( cf.
27 Their features vary with the country or region of issuance , as well as with the types of goods and method of shipment .
28 This book is , therefore , concerned with what social policy is , how it was created and how it was implemented , as well as with its weaknesses and arguments about what it should be .
29 There was , however , a greater awareness of the need to develop a framework of rules which could operate in the interests of the world community as a whole — against terrorism or narcotics , for instance — and a greater readiness to establish relations with traditionally conservative states , such as the Arab monarchies , as well as with those that claimed to adhere to Marxism-Leninism .
30 It was Helen who pointed out that Mrs Fitton would have been concerned about the newspapers , as well as with her regard for Edward and for Edward 's welfare .
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