Example sentences of "as that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why does Van want to waste his time showing a car as expensive as that to a kid like Hank ? ’ wondered Mr Frizzell irritably .
2 Since the space to the right of the charged sheet looks the same as that to the left , the magnitude of the electric field will be the same at z=a and z=-a .
3 Use of the Maxial PoS terminal requires the modification of the installation 's central PoS software , which receives the same string of characters as that for a transaction entered through a conventional keyboard .
4 Carbon dioxide generation for the Tertiary coals follows the same trend as that for the Palaeozoic coals , though the yield is only about half .
5 It appears that a reworded criterion : " can represent a given decimal number on a number line to one decimal place " would have yielded a success rate of 75 per cent , about the same as that for the first item .
6 For example , the interval between marriage and the birth of the first child for professional and managerial families is twice as long as that for the families of unskilled workers .
7 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
8 For burglary , for example , the area with the highest risk of this crime , Mildmay , the rate is eight and one half times as high as that for the area with the lowest Ask .
9 The general rule is that the penalty available in such circumstances is the same as that for the substantive offence incited , in this case level three , and since the legislature , thought that greater punishment than that was appropriate , specific provision is made for three months ' imprisonment , or a level 4 fine .
10 Alternatively , we can also hypothesise that if there is a change in proprioception , pointing with the non-preferred hand should show no adaptive shift , while pointing with the preferred hand at the non-visual target should show the same adaptive shift as that for the visual target .
11 It is of note that workers at the coal face ( cutters , hewers , and getters ) have only a slightly raised SMR for gastric cancer ( 113 ) which is not as great as that for the remainder of the mineworkers .
12 This is the same time qualification as that for an unfair dismissal claim .
13 Some gas fires are installed with special gas flues or ducts , but these are not always big enough to efficiently extract fumes from a coal-efficient fire : most living-flame or coal-effect fires require a flue of the same dimensions as that for an ordinary coal fire .
14 Proportional hazard regression analysis over a 12 cycle follow up yielded essentially the same results as that over the total follow up period .
15 This is the reason why the relationship between an attributive adjective and its noun is not the same as that between a predicative adjective and its noun ( and why attempts to relate them systematically in grammar are misguided ) .
16 The distinction between overseas and defence policy in 1951–5 was for Churchill almost as clear as that between the Defence Committee , which , with the Chiefs of Staff , he used to prosecute the Second World War , and the Lord President 's Committee under Anderson and Attlee , which he allowed to get on with handling the Home Front .
17 And while this is an enormous difference , it is not the same as that between the adult and the child .
18 There were , after all , nearly eighteen years between the appearance of The Return of the King and Tolkien 's death on 2 September 1973 — as long an interval as that between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring .
19 Invent a conversation which follows the same stages as that between the sergeant and the private .
20 i ) It is congruent with the traditional fungal taxonomy and with phylogenetic trees of fungi based on nuclear SSUrRNA data : the two pyrenomycetes ( P.anserina and N.crassa ) branch very closely together and their distance to A.nidulans , a representative of the plectomycetes , is shorter than that to S.cerevisiae , belonging to the endomycetes. ii ) The position of P.wickerhamii is unexpectedly closer to S.cerevisiae than to all other ascomycetes , whereas the distance between S.cerevisiae and P.wickerhamii lies in the same range as that between the two ascomycetes , S.cerevisiae and A.nidulans .
21 Now if we replace the West Overton coordinates with those of Bishops Cannings church and recalculate our slope value , and if it is the same as that between the centres and has the same starting point , then a line joining the centres will have been proved to extend through to Bishops Cannings church .
22 The limestone seems to be exactly the same as that at the head of the pass , so the seas in which it was laid down must surely have been very similar to those that produced fossiliferous rocks .
23 Looking first at the traces for the insert ( TA ) 10 ( Figures 1a and 2a ) it can be seen that there are nine cleavage products which have a similar intensity to that at the sequence CGC on the 5'-side ( above ) of the insert and which are about twice as strong as that at the AGC site .
24 When the sixth failed , various members of Mr Yeltsin 's entourage gesticulated wildly as the limo , with a 7.7 litre V8 engine as big as that on a London bus , lurched backwards and forwards .
25 Thanks to the locking tuners , the EG 's trem performs just as well as that on the top-of-the-range Artist costing around £2,000 more !
26 Avoid all shakes below and those on D ♭ E ♭ G ♭ in all octaves , as well as that on the top A .
27 The end result is that a complex of peptide and MHC molecule ( and the MHC molecule must be the same allelic form as that on the T cell ) is recognised by the T-cell receptor ( TCR ) , with consequent activation of the T cell and expression of its effector functions .
28 Also , English kings too could have their military prowess celebrated by poems which gloried in slaughter in ways not dissimilar to those on Cnut , as that on the battle of Brunanburh demonstrates .
29 Oh it 's just the same as that on the book
30 ‘ John may be mad , but he 'd never buy a horse as hot as that as a first horse for his daughter ! ’
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