Example sentences of "as we know [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We are in the season of Advent which , as we know , means the Coming — — the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ — and He , as we know also , was crucified by rulers who set the claims of the State above Him .
2 ( See the earliest drawing ) , was unsatisfactory , so in September 1908 a trial tee was constructed somewhere near what is now the ladies ' winter tee on the 16th , the 17th green being more or less as we know today , although at this time a twin green with the first .
3 There is , as we know today , a marked difference between them .
4 Carpet manufacturing in Kilmarnock had already been established for over 150 years when the company as we know today was formed in 19088 .
5 As long as we know now that it works .
6 He did not yet know , as we know now thanks to the cuneiform tablet B.M. 35603 , that Antiochus IV had died in Persia a few days or weeks before the probable date of the reconsecration of the Temple ( A. I. Sachs and D. J. Wiseman , Iraq 16 ( 1954 ) , 212 ) .
7 Poverty was not only rampant in the country villages , though , as we know only too well .
8 The Titfords , as we know only too well , were very far from being rich and powerful tycoons ; nevertheless , the trend we have just outlined was at work in a much more modest way even in their fortunes as time went by .
9 And of course , as we know only too well , it could be the result of a particular action on the part of the pilot .
10 However , in response to user demands for openness , Wendler argues , vendors will — as we know only too well — increasingly promote everything they can as ‘ standard . ’
11 And , as we know only too well , every really valuable commodity falls , sooner or later , into the hands of some unscrupulous individual , who then exploits it for their own ends .
12 Unfortunately , as we know all too often , the players in the game of musical chairs are only a small part of the total group .
13 We need to challenge the ideology which claims the market knows best , despite claims that we are coming out of recession , we are still losing thousands of jobs because , as we know all too well , the market will always neglect our nation 's long-term interest for the short-term profits of speculators and asset strippers .
14 Thus having first laid down a basis of material being , material forms , forces , existences in which it seems to be lying inconscient , though in reality , as we know always subconsciously at work , it is able to manifest life and living beings , to manifest mind and mental beings in a material world , and must therefore be able to manifest their supermind also and supramental beings .
15 And , as we know so well , the Holy Spirit fell on the day of pentecost with tongues as of fire .
16 We 've got our single layer network as we know so we take all our inputs we push them through the decoders and we 've got our single layer after that .
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