Example sentences of "as we [vb base] back " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd just like you to understand the problems we have … we do the best we can , ’ sighs Soliz as we walk back to the bus stop .
2 ‘ Listen and feel as we pull back into the slow lane . ’
3 But as we go back to much earlier periods , the signal systems are complex in different ways again .
4 I shall have it as soon as we go back . ’
5 I 'm pensive as we drag back round to the poorhouse .
6 But we 'll see you as soon as we get back from our holidays .
7 ‘ As soon as we get back , ’ Horrocks ordered , ‘ fetch my bag for me .
8 ‘ And as soon as we get back , I 'll clear out — up to the house .
9 In fact , I know that Mummy is looking forward to seeing you both just as soon as we get back to New York after the holiday . ’
10 As soon as we get back I 'm going home alright ?
11 You know , as we sit back and just wait for God to bless us we 'll wait an awful long time .
12 So it 's just a matter , as soon as we come back , get out .
13 He watches after us with evident satisfaction , as we teeter back to the stadium much the worse for the experience .
14 As we head back towards Heimæy I watch the last of the light tinkering with the wave-tops .
15 John Howard , acutely aware of such slippage , argued that good staff and external vigilance were essential if reform efforts were to be sustained , but this view , as we look back over the last two centuries , may have been unduly optimistic .
16 Yet they are of no consolation to Richard 's victims , and as we look back over his career of slaughter we see that for Shakespeare hypocrisy is a particularly sinister vice , often associated with ruthless egoism .
17 The answer was going to be that er , just as we look back on Darwin and do n't notice his Lamarckism , in , in a sense , Darwin was n't as Darwinian as we might now think , so we 've probably got a picture of Freud which is , er , more Freudian as it were , than Freud really was .
18 We were blissfully sheltered in those years at Somerville from most of the grimness of war — fully aware of this as we look back now , but even then conscious of our privileged position .
19 And you know , as we come and submit ourselves to God , and as we look back , whether it 's back on a day , on a week , on a month , on year , on a lifetime , he has given to us far , far more than we could ever have asked or expected from him ! , as the apostle said , he is able to do abundantly above all that we can ask or think !
20 It lies sullenly in our stomachs as we trudge back up the stairs .
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