Example sentences of "as they would [be] " in BNC.

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1 If D set out to trick V into having sex , realising that she probably would not consent otherwise , are not his intention and his method sufficient to condemn him for rape , as they would be for obtaining property by deception ?
2 However , subject to the Note below , we will pay to our clients the equivalent of such damages as they would be entitled to receive under English law in an English court for any personal injury to the client including illness or death , caused by the negligence , as understood in English law , of the servants or agents of ourselves or of any of our suppliers contracted or sub-contracted by us to provide any part of the arrangements for your holiday as described in this brochure , or excursions as described above , except for air or sea transportation arrangements for which separate conditions apply ( see 8 opposite ) .
3 On the front of the astrolabe there was a thin plate ( the tympan ) on which was engraved a stereographic projection of the lines of altitude and azimuth ( angular distance along the horizon ) as they would be for an observer at a given latitude .
4 The members of the audience were asked to watch the film closely as they would be asked questions about it afterwards .
5 Where a number of service points are involved — as they would be in a centrally organized stock revision for a public library authority — the choice of locations for titles ordered is an additional complication .
6 Boullee was the architect of the sublime , and he said that there should be poetry in architecture , and that men should be moved emotionally by it as they would be by a poem .
7 He believes that manufacturers simply need to be aware of the electromagnetic environments surrounding their products just as they would be aware of temperatures .
8 Most of the game is mental — being able to keep your head clear and retain a certain outlook on life should mean that bad times are neither so frequent nor so lengthy as they would be if you start examining your technique or doubting your ability .
9 As a couple , they appear as ‘ babes in the wood ’ , helpless and hopeless together as they would be on their own , beset by the awfulness of everyone else .
10 Japlish words are pronounced as they would be written in katakana , a Japanese phonetic syllabary .
11 The petrol fumes could be far more dangerous to your fish , especially as they would be pumped into the tanks by your air pump , as well as settling on the water .
12 Also , she was acutely embarrassed at having to share her cousin 's bed , especially as they would be squeezed so closely together in the small space .
13 But that is not a view held by those who lack the imagination to enter into the hearts and minds of others , and to do to them as they would be done by ; among them the then Home Secretary and the then Lord Chief Justice .
14 It has been known , but parents who do such a thing are as disliked as they would be in any society , and such marriages are often barren .
15 I have made the reflected objects darker , just as they would be if seen in real life .
16 The techniques prohibited might include deliberate manipulation of earthquakes , tsunamis , changes in weather patterns , and changes in the state of the ionosphere , It may be presumed that under this convention such changes would be unlawful if achieved by use of nuclear weapons , just as they would be if achieved by any other means .
17 If blind people 's drawings of objects ( more or less as they would be touched ) reflected their thoughts , then deaf people 's writings obviously showed a difference .
18 Travellers are often forced to live in exposed public situations where social inequality and harsh conditions are not hidden from more affluent members of society as they would be in an outlying council estate or an inner city back street .
19 Fourth year pupils were the principal subjects of the study as they would be members of their school for a full school year and were likely to have a lower absentee rate than the fifth year .
20 But when the judge , and the Lord Chief Justice , express their views on the period a particular prisoner should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , they are involved in part of the same consideration as they would be when deciding a proper determinate sentence for a serious offence other than murder .
21 This means that at any frequency , sound waves in water are nearly five times as long as they would be in air , and so provide poorer resolution .
22 In fact , Labov 's propensity to set out patterns in his data in a highly visual way is quite in the spirit of exploratory statistics ; but the data are not presented as comprehensively nor analysed as thoroughly as they would be using Tukey 's principles .
23 Then Sikes told Oliver to get some sleep as they would be going out again later that night .
24 The best manner of displaying that allegiance , nowadays , is to retain jobs and , indeed , create jobs as they would be well capable of at this present time .
25 Under an Indian sun , the crowd moved briskly along the prom , chattering about the events of last night ( ‘ You would have thought she 'd be too tired for that sort of thing ’ ) and hoping , with an optimism undimmed by experience , that the day 's events would be as entertaining as they would be inspiring .
26 When the Liberals were defeated , as they would be in due course , it would be they , and not the Labour Party , who would take the Opposition front bench .
27 Bentham was also clear what the Panopticon would mean for those who had to occupy it , subjected as they would be to " … an authority so much exceeding anything that has hitherto signified as despotic " ( Works , IV p 63 , emphasis in original ) .
28 Claims to privilege are the same as they would be on ordinary discovery .
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