Example sentences of "as he might [be] " in BNC.

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1 Combined operations became the commando 's métier and he would become as accustomed to calling up a battleship 's gunnery officer or the leader of a flight of rocket firing Typhoon aircraft as he might be radioing for mortar fire from his own Heavy Weapons Troop .
2 ‘ He 's not as aggressive as he might be but that could come , and he has more skill and speed than someone like John Fashanu , who plays an intimidating game .
3 Anyway , it is a shortsighted policy to rely too heavily on the tutor for detailed guidance since , good as he might be , he is unlikely to have a monopoly of knowledge in his particular subject .
4 Lately , he had been of a mind to trace his son Arnold Thomas , but until such a day as he might be fortunate in that respect , he had no one except the lily-livered David .
5 But how likely was Dr. Greene , experienced as he might be in viewing bodies , to disagree with the opinion of a consultant forensic pathologist unless the latter 's judgment was manifestly perverse ?
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