Example sentences of "as he go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Delaney tried to avoid looking at Doctor Nell Anderson as he went forward to the flight deck .
2 At one meeting a chairman blithely told me as he went on to the platform that they would have the National Anthem at the end , changing his mind without consulting me first .
3 Yet as he went on to say , the procedure , whatever its eventual remedial consequences , had ‘ punitive consequences ’ .
4 As he went on abasing himself in this extraordinary fashion , the Synodal Evangelisation Committee were taking steps to dissociate the Church from his unseemly conduct .
5 She already felt safe in his company as he went on talking effortlessly .
6 It was he who was now leaning towards her , and his voice and face serious as he went on , ‘ A big house , a room to yourself , and all the food you can eat is n't everything ; you can be as miserable as sin with it all .
7 JACKO kept fuming police waiting for nearly an hour as he went on a midnight shopping spree — for new toys .
8 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
9 I stopped listening as he went on to describe a naval ceremony .
10 The first few days were very trying for Alan as he went on to the new regime suddenly rather than gradually .
11 Ernest and Rosie looked at one another again , at a loss for words , as he went on , ‘ If you are prepared to give your agreement to such an undertaking , I will give instructions to your bank without delay , and the necessary funds will be put at your disposal .
12 Rain covered a smile as he went on .
13 Nevertheless , as he went on to say , " my friends at Tribschen assure me that , to their amazement , I have succeeded in this even where the problem is at its most extreme , with Tristan …
14 He was red and sweating slightly as he went on .
15 He was remorseless , but his voice had dropped to a silken taunt as he went on , ‘ But tell me what you think it is I owe you , Maria .
16 ‘ I 'd have done that anyway , whoever you were , ’ he returned dismissively , but derision glinted in his eyes as he went on , ‘ What 's worrying you , Maria ?
17 There was a rough , slightly husky edge to his voice as he went on , ‘ That 's a very eye-catching garment you 're wearing .
18 He ignored the bluntness of the queries as he went on , ‘ Misty also says you are not to be nervous .
19 He ignored the question as he went on , ‘ Bush walks are the preferred activity of older people — like groups from the Country Women 's Institute , or the Townswomen 's Guild or church groups . ’
20 He exposed the paucity of his case as he went on and every now and again he made a tantalising admission that he — rather surprisingly — agreed with certain aspects of the policy embodied in our forthcoming legislation .
21 Nisodemus glared at him as he went on , ‘ Now , we really should be sending some of the women and children to the — ’
22 But she could not say a word as he went on in that same tone .
23 Ronni gritted her teeth in silence as he went on , ‘ It 's in your interests as well that I find them quickly .
24 Guido straightened slightly as he went on to observe , ‘ I 'm sure we 'll succeed more quickly working together — and you 'll have a chance to see more of this country you like so much … ’
25 She abandoned the half-formed thought as he went on , ‘ I was educated in England , and lived there for a number of years .
26 Penry 's eyes softened as he went on to describe the rest of his family ; Katharine , married to a merchant banker and mother of two teenage sons , and Clemency , Charity 's twin , married to a writer and broadcaster and mother of twin girls and a son .
27 His tone had become cynical and mocking as he went on , ‘ Now I do n't suppose Joanna will want to continue working here if you leave .
28 Aldridge made no sign or sound as he went through to the airing cupboard to get himself a fresh towel .
29 He was also , he realized , as he went through to the hall to get Hasan 's coat , tied to the little boy in a way he could not have predicted .
30 His voice was cool and unemotional , as he went through to pick up his medical case .
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