Example sentences of "as he be at " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which this is an objection to Locke 's actual views will depend , as in the case of the brave officer , on whether they concern what makes a person at one time the same as he is at another , or concern moral matters of praise and blame .
2 If a Rottweiler is eligible for registration with the AKC , he can compete at any licensed dog show , as long as he is at least six months old and does not have a disqualifying fault .
3 He 's amusing himself at a dull time of year , and being here without his womenfolk , but he 's as adroit at calming the storm as he is at raising it .
4 The picture tries to portray Charles ‘ as he is at the moment — someone who cares about the world around him , somebody who has become a very caring person .
5 I took this as his Imprimateur , his permission if you like for me to go away and write aqbout what Toad really got up to next rather than being annoyingly good as he is at the end of Wind in the Willows
6 Same as he is at the moment .
7 They 're not as stressed as he is at the end of the day because .
8 Throughout the 1930s , Ernest Bevin was the dominant figure on this body as he was at Labour Party conferences , shaping Labour 's domestic and foreign policy .
9 I was as surprised as he was at what time had revealed but I did not join in when his boyish enthusiasm took hold .
10 He was as pathetically unqualified in the art of murder as he was at golf or philosophy .
11 Uncle Bill as he was at the age of twenty-eight over seventy years ago .
12 Angry as he was at the directors for failing to appreciate his talents and not understanding what he was driving at , Dustin was angrier with himself for losing jobs .
13 And he is convinced the temperamental Frenchman — bought for £1.2 million — will have to conform to manager Alex Ferguson 's regime or else he will be dispensed with just as quickly as he was at Leeds and his other clubs .
14 But as he was at first without a seat in Parliament and in any event left almost immediately for extended duty in the United States , he was unable either to galvanize or to discharge any of the traditional functions of his office .
15 But he was far from the political revolutionary which many observers thought him to be and as adapt at cooling the passions of the men as he was at arousing them .
16 The good player will be in the same position at impact as he was at address ( above left ) , while the bad player 's hands will be well forward of the ball at impact ( above right ) .
17 As fit as he was at the Wychwood Forest Fair .
18 Having followed P C and P C as he was at that time through the door , I went immediately to the bedroom on the right hand side , the second bedroom .
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