Example sentences of "as he [verb] how " in BNC.

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1 Ranulf studied the painting curiously and felt a shiver of apprehension as he saw how the sinners were thrust into hot ovens , cauldrons of boiling oil , or broken on huge revolving cartwheels .
2 Eliot by writing as badly as he knew how … . ’ )
3 The great dragon was angry but courteous , and he woke them up in as mannerly a way as he knew how .
4 ‘ He had every reason not to take me seriously as a soldier as he knew how idle I had been in prior days in Layforce . ’
5 He had declined , trying to be as tactful as he knew how .
6 Doublethink had entered so completely into Ceauşescu 's soul by the 1980s that he could genuinely bask in what he took to be sincere affection at the same time as he knew how stage-managed the whole event was .
7 So he just smiled as enigmatically as he knew how , and pocketed the drinks key .
8 ‘ I 'm sure he 'll be released very soon now , ’ Zen said as reassuringly as he knew how .
9 Heartbroken Tim Godwin weeps as he tells how he had to tell his 23-month-old daughter Sophie : ‘ Mummy is n't coming back ’ .
10 I needed to see his expression as he realized how much I meant to him .
11 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
12 BOYFRIEND David Harper choked back tears yesterday as he told how he left his lover and her twin sister to die in a midnight barn blaze .
13 A recent picture of Pc Alexander Kelly , 32 , who wept as he told how his colleague was shot dead
14 He choked back tears as he told how he waved her off from Heathrow , where he works .
15 In the wake of Warrington , the simple dignity of Colin Parry , as he told how his son , Tim , died when his life support machine was switched off , was branded instantly upon the brain of the nation .
16 ‘ Gone shopping , ’ Claudia said sharply , relenting at the anxious note in Roman 's voice as he asked how long she would be .
17 Leith was n't embarrassed , just saddened that his love for her friend had brought him to this , as he revealed how , for fear of losing what little chance he had with Rosemary , he had kept quiet about his love when he 'd wanted to shout it from the rooftops .
18 Fury returned as he thought how he had been cheated of glory by a treacherous piece of turf , when it had not even been his turn to lead !
19 He moved and let out a groan as he discovered how stiff his limbs were .
20 In the first issue , Owen finds out he has diabetes and we follow him through his first visit to the doctor and then at the hospital , as he learns how to manage diabetes so that he can go on living a normal life .
21 Sir Patrick Mayhew must have been hoping for some winners and losers , as he considers how to kick-start his talks process .
22 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
23 It means Lamb 's worst fears will be confirmed as he discovers how his disclosure of the Pakistan ball tampering scandal has totally embarrassed cricket 's governing body , the Test and County Cricket Board .
24 Benjamin rose and , slipping his arm through mine , led me back to the garden , teasing me into a good mood as he explained how he had found Waldegrave drunk as a lord and insensible as a rock in a corner of his opulent chapel .
25 He stood beside the broken glass of his front door as he described how the white neighbours — assisted by two West Indian girls — hauled him into the court and beat him .
26 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
27 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
28 The consultant was visibly shaking as he described how the 12-year-old victim had sustained severe head and facial injuries .
29 Christopher Taylor blinked back tears as he described how he had arrived at the hospital to find his son , seven-week-old Liam , had suffered a mysterious collapse .
30 Mr Taylor , of Grantham , said Liam had gradually improved , and his voice choked with emotion as he described how the next afternoon his son had opened his eyes and reached for his teddy bear .
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