Example sentences of "as [pers pn] might have " in BNC.

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1 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
2 The things which came out in therapy did not make up a complete , finished jigsaw , as I might have imagined .
3 He sounded as enthusiastic as I might have been if talking about paving stones in Manchester .
4 ‘ But one thing I do n't want to happen as time goes by is to sit down and say that I did n't do as well as I might have done in another tournament because I did n't put in enough effort .
5 Although I left him in no doubts about my opinion of his behaviour over the past few weeks , I was n't quite as brutal with him as I might have been .
6 As I might have mentioned , Sam was too liberal with the wine . ’
7 I saw myself , Frank L. Cauldhame , and I saw myself as I might have been : a tall slim man , strong and determined and making his way in the world , assured and purposeful .
8 ‘ Not as much as I might have . ’
9 As you might have guessed I 'm a very biased Aston Villa supporter ( muffled titters ) , but even I have to admit this is a really mega prize .
10 We 're rather different , Oliver and me , as you might have noticed .
11 The results are , as you might have guessed , violently unpredictable .
12 Many physicists ( pronounced ‘ fizzy-sists ’ ) have large pictures of him on the walls of their laboratories — just as you might have pictures of your favourite pop stars on the walls of your bedroom at home .
13 Many of the amino acids are coded by more than one triplet ( as you might have guessed from the fact that there are 64 triplets and only 20 amino acids ) .
14 Using the machine is , as you might have guessed , a pleasure , and not only because of its speed .
15 As you might have noticed , you 've slightly cramped my earning power .
16 Im annoyed as you might have guessed .
17 Randolph had a very strange problem as you might have guessed before , he had a white nose !
18 ’ Sheila said this in much the tone of incredulity as she might have said , ‘ If I ever die . ’
19 Much as she might have wanted to help , Diana was in no position to give Charles the attention he needed .
20 She was pale , but not as shocked as she might have been .
21 Flighty as she might have been until then , Liza Tremayne was still a virgin .
22 Scarlet did n't argue as she might have done if she had n't had a large vodka .
23 She enjoyed nearly everything , even widow 's weeds perhaps most of all widow 's weeds , as her married life had not been as exciting as she might have wished , and besides , they were so graceful and pretty .
24 She put an arm across her eyes and opened them beneath it , seeing him in such a way that he could never be certain whether she had looked or not , naked and hairy and black as she might have imagined , thick-set and arrogant and very ready — that much at least was certain — to take her without any further preamble .
25 And that was not as often as she might have wished .
26 As she might have anticipated , Luke stepped away from the gentleness of the gesture immediately , and her face grew as closed as his had suddenly become .
27 As she might have expected , it was almost empty , except for an air hostess sitting on the toilet , smoking .
28 His tone was sceptical , as she might have expected .
29 as she might have said herself at the time ) .
30 She touched the stone of the walls as she might have touched a cheek , deliberately and lingeringly .
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