Example sentences of "as [pers pn] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And , although progress in conventional careers may not be regarded as achievable , clearly certain things are , as I will now show .
2 ‘ As well as I will ever settle here . ’
3 Yeah well , where as I will then !
4 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
5 Then , crouching down , I peered out through the pouring rain and saw such a sight as I will never forget .
6 As yours will also be ! ’
7 Yet wherever we may be in this universe , a Marine 's transformed body is his temple , containing the eucharist of Rogal Dorn ; as yours will soon be also . ’
8 This is not the book of a scholar , as you will soon realize , but that of a genuine enthusiast .
9 This all has great relevance to the regular runner as you will soon see .
10 A single bloom is one with a single circlet of five petals , as you will invariably find in the wild rose of the hedgerow and , of course , in a number of the modern bred varieties as well .
11 As you will probably find gingers , greys , coppers , yellows and browns as well as the main colour in your irises — pick one of those .
12 As you will probably know , if you think you can do better by making independent provision , you are not obliged to remain in SERPS but instead can invest in a personal pension .
13 Erm and as you will probably be able to deduce from the publisher , is a an historical romance .
14 Then go through the sleeving procedure and , according to type of handle , apply knots to secure , but no ‘ Granny ’ knots please as you will possibly have to make adjustments later .
15 The dances of the Concerti da camera ( Nos. 9–12 ) are engagingly portrayed , as you will quickly find in the Allemande and Corrente of the Ninth Concerto , for example , and there are some pleasing arabesques from the plucked string continuo .
16 As you will certainly need to use technical terms at some point in your writing , you inevitably have to face the two main problems they present .
17 A sound studio is actually likely to be much more distracting as you will usually be able to see the engineers and technicians working away in the control room and researchers or producers may be passing notes to the presenter .
18 Do not accept offers of tea or coffee if this is your problem as you will then give yourself the further anxiety of controlling the cup and saucer .
19 Explain that you are not querying the decision but that you would appreciate the information if at all possible , as you will then be able to learn from it for another occasion .
20 As you will often have to sell your own work , it helps to be a good and persuasive talker who gets on well with people inside and outside the agency .
21 He said , to Caterina , ‘ No one as pretty as you will ever wear glasses . ’
22 NB If an advertisement says , ‘ write for application form ’ then keep the letter very brief and without personal details as you will only have to repeat them on the form later .
23 It is obviously every bit as important to respect the wild flowers in a foreign country as it is in one 's own , and not to pick large quantities of anything as you will only need a few pieces to create a floral souvenir of your trip .
24 It is mainly in the instrumental strands of the score but it also penetrates the vocal parts , too , as you will very quickly find , for instance in the fugal first Kyrie which is projected in a disjointed , somewhat breathless fashion .
25 Therefore , some of the larger single roses become giant-sized once they are pressed , and can really only be used for big arrangements on walls , such as murals , so try to concentrate on the smaller varieties of rose , as you will still be astonished at their relative size once they are pressed .
26 Overfilling the bags is a false economy as you will swiftly ruin the contents , making them bent , crushed or torn .
27 But finding an ideal seat position is impossible if you are much over six foot , as you will never be able to get the front seat back far enough .
28 But , ’ he went on , deliberately hitting a harder tone , ‘ as you will entirely appreciate , sir , there is a man 's own sense of his own honour .
29 It was always assumed , as we will repeatedly find in these hooligan discourses , that ‘ the adolescent ’ was a boy : when the other sex figures at all it is as mothers , usually neglectful ones .
30 Even ‘ going crazy ’ involves the following of certain conventions and restrictions , as we will further elaborate in the next chapter .
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