Example sentences of "as [pers pn] try find " in BNC.

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1 But she avoided my lips , so that I brushed her cheek , and as I tried to find her mouth she said , ‘ No , Kit .
2 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
3 As they try to find out who they are they may experiment with a number of different modes .
4 It is claimed that during the hour-long phone call Prince Charles and Camilla exchange affectionate remarks as they try to find a ‘ safe ’ house to meet .
5 Go along with your Pack or family and join in with the fun , sing songs and get to know colourful characters , like Bertie and Aristotle Tortoise , as they try to find a valuable stolen necklace .
6 In the process , he illuminates the loneliness of Los Angeleans of the 90s as they try to find love and comfort in an essentially hostile environment .
7 Tomorrow night we travel to Potosi the highest town in the world where Oxfam is working with the families of out of work miners as they try to find other ways of making a living .
8 There was an air of disquiet , much muttering and whispering as they tried to find a solution to the problem facing them — a greater broad backed bookworm had been spotted .
9 He struggles , turning round as he sinks deeper , chunks and edges of ice rearing into the air and making little puffs and fountains of snow as he tries to find purchase and push himself out .
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