Example sentences of "as [pers pn] could have " in BNC.

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1 And when I was lucky enough to enjoy some rare hot weather my feet stayed as cool as I could have expected .
2 I could have told you this at the height of his reputation , just as I could have predicted his downfall after a few short years in the limelight .
3 My first encounter with a badger , as a lad of 10 , was as exciting as I could have wished .
4 ‘ Well , I pay for the time , ’ the landlord defended himself , though not as intimidatingly as I could have hoped .
5 He was n't so effusively grateful as I could have wished .
6 I was surprised how things had changed — as I walked in I was given a big plastic number 33 ( shame I did n't turn up later as I could have stolen the number 38 to replace my house number which has seen better days ) and was given a list of reasons not to give blood .
7 I think it 's outrageous as I could have been killed .
8 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
9 as much as you could have
10 I could do about six different costing forms , so it 's not like you could have a yellow wallet , because , presumably he 's saying we want a yellow wallet with enquiry form , a costing form , and that is as far as you could have it anyway .
11 Nigel was looking forward to the occasion and Gina had promised to be especially nice and polite as long as she could have one of her friends there to make up a foursome .
12 Maybe she could have surfeited him with pleasure as surely as she could have overwhelmed him with agony .
13 Not a pretty death , but as peaceful as she could have hoped for , given the circumstances .
14 He was driving fast but safely and , Agnes noted , not as well as she could have done .
15 She tried to control her voice , and was pleased that it was as steadily calm as she could have hoped .
16 ‘ We have not been as good as we could have been in producing statistically valid trials . ’
17 ‘ A draw was as much as we could have expected .
18 This is , of course , wrong as we could have guessed on the basis of our experience with forces acting upon capacitor plates .
19 ‘ We achieved about as satisfactory a report as we could have hoped for and that has helped us enormously in developing the future of the organisation .
20 ‘ Results were as good as we could have hoped for given the difficult economic background throughout the year , ’ he said .
21 Meanwhile , over at Mount Edgecombe , the most favoured guess as the site of invasion , the Earl reluctantly gave permission for one hundred of his finest oaks to be felled as they could have given cover to invading forces .
22 Also insulate the walls , and eliminate as many draughts as possible , Try to avoid water drips from the roof , as they could have picked up asbestos particles .
23 ‘ I thought the shows were often not as good as they could have been . ’
24 A spokesman for Destiny Technology said settlement talks fell through because they ‘ were not moving as rapidly as they could have . ’
25 British Rail asserts , and the hon. Member for Keighley said so again tonight , that in physical terms the planned exit of the lines from King 's Cross at the south-eastern corner of the new proposed station is such that lines could go to Stratford just as easily as they could have gone southwards .
26 I must choose my words with care as well that my clients and I think that there was very much an effect of people wanting to have a relief road , but also wanting to have it as far away from themselves a as they could have it .
27 Firms have not boosted their exports as they could have done but have simply increased their profit margins on existing sales . ’
28 FOOTBALL fans who went to an Airdrieonians versus Ayr United league match 36 years ago have been asked to come forward as they could have vital information on a schoolgirl who disappeared in 1957 .
29 The new emphasis was to be on dining rather than drinking , and the design was as sensitive as it could have been .
30 I could not have gone without her goodwill , as it could have been injurious to her already poor health .
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