Example sentences of "as [pers pn] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I intended to follow the same course of action as I had over the earlier incident : to say nothing until he gave me an opening .
2 Within days it was obvious that the extent of the dissolution was every bit as great as I had at first suspected .
3 Or was the fact of their friendship with Gideon just an unwelcome coincidence , as I had at first supposed .
4 I read , just as I had at the Moroneys , yet with the single difference in this case there was a young man , Aoin O'Heiher , a nephew of Liam O'Flaherty and he introduced me to writers like Eliot and Joyce .
5 I hoped I could , as I had to .
6 ‘ On the Friday night I had stayed up to watch the late film , and at 3.30am I decided that it was n't worthwhile going to bed as I had to be at John 's house at seven o'clock .
7 Going through her diary , as I had to , seemed somehow — obscene .
8 I found it interesting to take one person , say the rector , Charles Henstock , and make him the chief character in one book and follow his fortunes , as I had in the first book about the great Mrs Curdle .
9 And I have to confess that I found you as delightful then as I had in Wexford , and was intending to find out where you were going , and pursue the acquaintanceship .
10 Erm well as I 've as I 've in my submission I I think we can give qualified support for the proposal that erm Harrogate have put on the table .
11 I believe that no woman will ever again suffer as much as I have through rank discrimination in the police force . "
12 I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky .
13 Why , she thought , he is so much more uncertain than I am , he has lost touch with the world of women , as I have with the world of men .
14 I shall also attempt with Dorothy Heathcote , as I have with the other pioneers , to point to innovations or assumptions which are implicit in her work and which she herself may not have articulated .
15 I have covered the whole year , but because January is in your shops , February already subscribed , March imminent and April only recently covered in my monthly column ( 11th December ) , I have not been as detailed with these four months as I have with the rest of the year .
16 The board has the same switches on it as I have on the rack , so if Bryan presses the board they light up for me too , so I can see what he 's got on .
17 Do you think I should have lived as long as I have on meat ? ’
18 I wonder if I will get away with things as easily as I have on other serious falls and I wonder what it will feel like at the bottom .
19 ‘ I 've never eaten as well as I have on this trip . ’
20 I do n't know how to put into words the very great depth of gratitude that I owe for his patience , for his advice , and for his friendship , but most of all the love and respect that I , as I have for him .
21 ‘ You do n't stay in the business as long as I have without learning a little bit about people .
22 ‘ I understand you want to pop round and see me , but can you tell me what it 's about as I have to be at work on time ? ’
23 you to do is er give me his telephone number so that I er contact him , offer the same service to him as I have to you .
24 As I have to be in London for the entire week of the General Election , I applied to Darlington Town Hall for a postal vote .
25 To speak as I have of meteorite ‘ concentrations ’ may conjure the wrong image .
26 There are now so few to be fished for in most rivers that more and more people who spent a lot of money in Scotland , as I have over the years , are going to Russia , Iceland , Alaska , Canada and Norway .
27 Yes but when you 've been , when you 've been in the work as I have over many years with doctors , I was a mental welfare officer so I mean I know er , you know , you can be fobbed off .
28 I HAVE never been as sickened by any criminal as much as I have by Nicholas Vernage , who murdered Sergeant Alan King .
29 When his appointment as Secretary of State for Wales was announced , he told the House : ’ I look forward to explaining in Wales , as I have in England the way in which the community charge is a much fairer and simpler system ’ .
30 If you leave , if you leave let's say if you get caught and sent back then you 're gon na get back you know twice as much as you had for the reason for leaving .
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