Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had a most interesting conversation about Italian opera with a waiter called Giovanni , who was as enthusiastic as me about Verdi .
2 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
3 Well his name was , a very brilliant man , well w he 'd be nearly as old as me of course .
4 It improved when I made this close friend , who had some of the same ideas as me on things like sex , drugs , politics , music .
5 if he let's join in the K , you , your lad had the same problem as I with John .
6 " Senator and Madame Sherman , I am highly honoured to welcome such a distinguished family as yours to French Indochina , " he said , speaking sonorously in his own language .
7 I can assure you that my concern for Svend is as great as yours for Suzie , and I 'm not going to allow you to wriggle out of your commitments because , rightly or wrongly , your lover does n't trust you out of his sight . ’
8 And fell more and more in love with you , be it lunching with you , or dining with you , watching your innocent pleasure as you in turn watched the astronomical clock strike the hour .
9 It 's a little thing , like a boy , about the same size as you in fact . ’
10 The novel opens with the sentence : ‘ I shall soon be quite redundant at last despite of all , as redundant as you after queue and as totally predictable , information-content zero ’ ( 5 ) .
11 Erm , now as as this so called generous funding in fact , the police authority are facing a straight deficit of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand , they are facing a further deficit of four hundred and twenty-five thousand because they have only been given one and a half percent for pay , where all the information we have been given from the Home Office , you can shake your head as much as you like Chairman , it is in fact true , and in fact , in fact as reported in the Guardian , on , only the day before yesterday , yet again the police bill is to be , almost certainly four percent , not one and a half .
12 You can say it as loud as you like Jo .
13 For this purpose such books as She of Rider Haggard , and Lost Horizon of Hilton , and Tolkien 's Fellowship of the Ring , and Eddison 's The Worm Ouroboros , help to give the imagination a new dimension .
14 Keith must be as bored with the Hare-woman and her family as she with Harriet Shakespeare .
15 Adam 's warning yell came almost too late as she in turn was grabbed .
16 Just bear with me a moment we can stay the same as we on subject specifics at the moment , we do n't have to change that , I 'm just trying to think in the light of national curriculum and what 's happening
17 Though never a gourmet , I appreciated also the food at Ika 's home , as I found what was provided at the Cité Universitaire almost inedible , even accustomed as we in Britain were to such unappetising fare as powdered egg and cakes baked with liquid paraffin .
18 He 's going to make you hard and tough just like him — but never as good as him of course , because he 's in charge .
19 He liked proper meals , he lived on liver or chops , his bait would come out of the family allowance and I 'd not eat during the day , then eat the same as him at night . "
20 The Samaritans petitioned the Syrian king in order to dissociate themselves from the Jews , to be considered Sidonians and to give to their god the name of Zeus Hellenios : " Now you have dealt with the Jews as their wickedness deserves , but the King 's officers , in the belief that we follow the same practices as they through kinship with them , are involving us in similar charges , whereas we are Sidonians by origin , as is evident from our state documents .
21 COMMUTERS from Essex to London have been urged to keep their cool as they as face up to today 's nightmare journey to work caused by the national one-day rail strike .
22 It is also a very time-consuming process as it of course doubles the viewing time to select what is to be edited .
23 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
24 This applies particularly to the Vertical Speed Indicator ( and also the so-called Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator as it at present exists ) .
25 In calling " The Dionysiac Philosophy " a preliminary study , Nietzsche did not say preliminary to what , but in the light of the essay 's range , the end product as envisaged could hardly be anything very different from B T as it in fact emerged .
26 He leaves a widow , Molly , almost as well-known as he at BA Conferences and trade events , and three children and six grandchildren .
27 They had to be more than willing , and as ready as he to part without hard feelings afterwards .
28 After the initial shock I felt in Théovard , I came to regard Jean-Claude 's relations with Otto in much the same light as mine with Émile .
29 Were n't as good as it , it were n't as good this one that I , were n't as good as ours for petrol .
30 Reflecting that the librarian 's opinion of academics was about as low as hers of journalists , Loretta asked politely for the current Who 's Who .
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