Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [vb past] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 I have to say though that with the terms on which we 've gone into the European Monetary System , a six per cent fluctuation either way , which as I said means from two seventy seven deutschmarks up to three thirteen ; there 's quite a lot of risk there for an exporter if he prices himself in deutschmarks and he gets it wrong .
2 There was a large group of girls around her , chorusing this , so I backed off , as I hated people to say that to me when I was hurt .
3 I filled with pride as I watched people puzzled over the band names I scribbled in my notebook .
4 He told the Queen how he once made the cast salute her as she drove past.He did n't have his Minder with him today , but he did bring 'er indoors .
5 This forced the Imperial Japanese government into a dangerous corner as she imported 80% of her oil from the USA .
6 Caterina judged then , as she watched Rosa pin her hair , that the ease with which she , Caterina , won applause — when she danced and sang the cherry song , or strewed flowers before the host in the procession , making a little reverence to the monstrance on every third step backwards — was undeserved , the effect of some trick she did not want to perform but that came to her naturally from some evil in her , the same evil that had inspired her bad thoughts of Tommaso and prevented her doing as her sister , her beloved sister , wanted .
7 As we passed people stood back on either side , loud-mouthed apprentices and washerwomen in leather clogs stopping their noisy clatter and waiting for us to pass .
8 A lunch break would give him his chance , forcing him to make a decision whether or not to delay his own sustenance in order to overtake us as we crammed fruit cake into our faces .
9 Although trading throughout the Group is improving , we are paying a lot more bank interest this year as we borrowed £67 million to buy .
10 Cambridge United sent out videos of Dion Dublin — and , suddenly , the big clubs showed interest , with Manchester United pipping Chelsea , Aston Villa and Everton as they gambled 1m on the big fellow .
11 As they told MPs , they had found that 34 per cent of mothers interviewed in their survey had failed to receive any increase in their housekeeping allowance in the previous year , while prices had risen 7 per cent over the same period ( HOC , 1973 , Vol .
12 The company dropped the bombshell as it plunged £711million into the red in the first half of the year .
13 Even if it is n't true , James 's position was an excellent stimulus for research as it forced people who would adopt an alternative position to consider very carefully how else emotions might come about .
14 German legislation prohibited the import of ‘ Cassis de Dijon ’ , a liqueur based on blackcurrant , as it required fruit liqueurs to have a minimum alcohol content of 25% .
15 He said that ‘ Every player has their price , if the offer were 2M Id have rejected it , but as it nudged 3M I felt it was a good deal for Leeds ’ .
16 He said that ‘ Every player has their price , if the offer were 2M Id have rejected it , but as it nudged 3M I felt it was a good deal for Leeds ’ .
17 Mr Sugar 's other main company interest , Tottenham Hotspur , was in demand as it climbed 14p to 103p over speculation that chief executive Terry Venables might buy Mr Sugar 's stake in the club .
18 Carlton was undeterred by HTV 's news as it jumped 6p to 754p .
19 But as he banked £1 million last week , Abbey Stadium boss John Beck was glad they took the gamble .
20 He had relegated the match to part of a bigger event as he thought people wanted more entertainment .
21 Ian Foster , 26 , was killed with a shot to the back of the head as he collected £5,000 from a town hall .
22 In some ways , though , Nick — as he insisted people call him — lived in the shadow of his father Alec , a renowned pacifist who had set up a Chair of Peace Studies at Bradford University on the sensible grounds that everywhere else seemed to study war .
23 God moved mightily as he touched people 's lives .
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