Example sentences of "as [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Empirical evidence also began to build up , and Spooner ( 1972 ) , in a study of employers who had moved to the southwest found that more of them cited the attractive environment of Devon and Cornwall as reasons for moving to the area , than its labour supply , and Lonsdale and Browning ( 1971 , 267 ) found that manufacturing plants in 10 southern USA States were more orientated to rural than urban areas and that : ‘ manufacturing firms appear to be placing increased emphasis on rural and small town sites ’ .
2 Curricular considerations are also cited as reasons for using the text , ‘ provides lots of material for discussion ’ ; ‘ discussion work on relationships possible ’ ; ‘ set in the war so plenty of related work ’ ; ‘ recent TV version gives added interest ’ ; ‘ regional dimension adds further scope ’ .
3 It will be seen that English law does this up to a point , and in the process seems to accept social-defence arguments as reasons for departing from several of the principles set out in Chapter 3 .
4 Minneapolis , Minnesota-based Hyperchannel specialist Network Systems Corp has announced a five-stage strategy for converging SNA and local area networks , as well as plans for incorporating Asynchronous Transfer Mode onto its products .
5 Similarly , the Teacher — Pupil Interaction and the Quality of Learning ( TIQL ) Project , directed by John Elliott for Schools Council Programme 2 , aimed to encourage the development of teachers as researchers by allowing teachers to define their own problems ( within a general framework ) , to carry out their own research , propose subsequent action , and monitor the consequences of its implementation .
6 There appears to be nothing against a company being granted recognition by the Council to provide professional services such as are normally provided by individuals practising as solicitors by providing those services as itself a member of a partnership with other individual solicitors .
7 They need information about what constitutes and causes success or failure within a particular domain , as well as strategies for detecting this at the time of the selection .
8 It is imperative to study the clonal origin of the recurrent tumours , as strategies for preventing recurrence are dependent on causation .
9 Due attention is paid to the ‘ hidden curriculum ’ and the total school environment , including such issues as policies on smoking on school premises .
10 For example A can remove a small group and prepare them as journalists for interviewing other members of the class , who will in the meantime be making a detailed map of the area showing where the new relief road is going to go .
11 The manual includes sample lesson plans , as well as guidelines on preparing and evaluating writing workshops .
12 The first — Treasury Chief Secretary — given to him as soon as Major became Premier partly as thanks for helping to run his leadership campaign .
13 For any adult education movement which addresses itself seriously to education for social change , such alliances are of profound importance — as arenas within which really useful knowledge can be learned , as subjects for learning from , and as sites of practical intervention in the form of participatory research and independent analysis .
14 they appear as squares on loading the program for designing , for ease of use and because this also avoids the problem of having to have several different proportional grids in the memory for different knitting techniques .
15 In all , shipping in 1992 made almost as big a contribution as remittances to closing that trade deficit .
16 A pleasant period is ahead of you , as opportunities for socialising with others of your kind may be at their peak .
17 Individual mineral replacement fabrics are , on the whole , easier to place in a diagenetic sequence ( e.g. Fig. 5.41a , b , c ) as relationships with preexisting diagenetic events are visible .
18 As fans of shortening point out , bills account for only one-quarter of the marketable debt , down from a third a decade ago .
19 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
20 Thus diversion of faecal stream by split ileostomy may induce remission of resistant Crohn 's colitis , and enteral or parenteral nutrition seem to be as effective as corticosteroids in inducing remission whereas both forms of treatment are singularly ineffective in the management of ulcerative colitis .
21 Over the term the value of neo-grammatical approaches to children 's writing , and the value of a functional approach is introduced , and their value as models for assessing children 's development considered .
22 Until recently the potential role of parasitic systems as models for understanding patterns and processes in community ecology has not been fully explored .
23 For those who like access to a big town for sightseeing as well as mountains for skiing and other sports , Pitztal close to Innsbruck would be the better choice .
24 It relates to the very distinction between standard and other effects , and depends on what that distinction grants , that we sometimes speak of decisions and the like as effects without supposing that they issue from causal circumstances , which by definition are necessitating circumstances .
25 It did not follow that Coopers reached the same conclusion as Peats by following the same reasoning .
26 Most early Saxon churches had a monastic core ; the loosely knit followers of St Benedict used their ‘ minster ’ churches as bases for evangelising the surrounding areas , preaching and celebrating mass in the open at first .
27 As alternatives to introducing dye , there are several ways in which marker can be produced electrically — the hydrogen bubble technique , the tellurium technique , the electrolytic precipitation technique , and the pH technique .
28 There is no magical osmosis whereby children somehow become more trusting and trustworthy as individuals through playing a game — nor simply by the action of doing drama , it should be added .
29 We only fulfil our potential as individuals in working with and for others , as well as for ourselves .
30 The proposed SAS suggests that such supporting evidence will normally include forecasts and budgets , as well as statements of borrowing facilities , covering a period of at least one year from the date the directors approve the accounts .
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