Example sentences of "as [adv] he might " in BNC.

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1 People said his speech had been very stirring , as perhaps they might ; Nick ( as perhaps he might ) said the seat ( defending champion T Blair , majority 13,058 ) was ‘ genuinely winnable . ’
2 Exit the ghost of Larry , leaving Kenneth looking pensive , as well he might .
3 For soon enough their scholarly owner grew bored with his dragon studies — as well he might since his samples were such Poring dragons — and decided to investigate the secrets of the turbine jet engine instead .
4 As well he might , she thought , if he suspected the dressing down she was about to give him .
5 The Crown Prince , who had never favoured Falkenhayn 's plans , was adamant in his belief that the offensive should be called off ; Falkenhayn himself wavered — as well he might , for his reputation and professional future depended on success at Verdun .
6 The misanthropic gardener elevates his roses and relegates his relations and if challenged , as well he might be , would give us possibly good reasons for so doing .
7 He said Oliver was extremely embarrassed , as well he might have been , because he was buying flowers to make his peace with a girl he 'd gone to bed with the night before and been impotent with .
8 McNab was frowning now , poor man , and looking worried as well he might with Dr Dunstaple , transformed into Sir Isaac Newton , mounting such an impressive attack .
9 He looked astonished , as well he might , and glanced downwards instinctively to verify this .
10 He came straight to us at the castle , and told us how he had found the body , and no question but he was greatly shaken and agitated , as well he might be , guilty or innocent .
11 ‘ But in all seriousness , we understand from the clerks that Quatt is dissatisfied with his reception here — as well he might be ! — and has the intention of taking up a post as archdeacon somewhere in Worcestershire , where he was living before .
12 A sketch wad found on my locker door and I believe the author was Nobby Hall ; he had opposed my views on ditching , as well he might , since he was an ex-officer , Merchant Navy , who had joined the RAF as a direct entry sergeant pilot in the Baldwin expansion period , and it was indeed ironic that he should perish and his crew saved .
13 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
14 Ven queried , as well he might , she realised , for she 'd been chatting to him like a veritable magpie all evening with not so much as a hint of shyness .
15 The hon. Member for Swansea , East ( Mr. Anderson ) looks anxious , as indeed he might , because one of the current concerns of the Baltic states is the return of their gold .
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