Example sentences of "as [adv] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The adult size of the fish was reported as only being 4cm for the male and 5.5cm for the female .
2 Alec himself was always interested in our ideas and in the development of art in the schools and he had considerable skill in persuading the Education Committee to agree to many of our plans which today would doubtless be rejected as not being cost effective or economically viable .
3 Reading their lives , one feels angry that women could not be elected as much as not be electors .
4 Section 36 of the Partnership Act assists in this connection : ( 1 ) Where a person deals with a firm after a change in its constitution he is entitled to treat all apparent members of the old firm as still being members of the firm until he has notice of the change .
5 Friday night , as always was party time with some superb entertainment and we were delighted to welcome two unexpected visitors in the guise of Torville and Dean .
6 A. maritima and L.scoticum are constant , as also is Festuca rubra .
7 Brown ( 1984 ) again is recommended as also is Struthers and Speight ( 1986 , Ch. 4 ) .
8 But a limited amount of social interaction is related to dissatisfaction with work , as also are feelings of monotony .
9 Thus , utilities and heating are coordinate to one another , as also are wood and slate .
10 The Ogallala aquifer , which supplies many farms in the US Midwest , is suffering the same problem , as also are aquifers in Spain , Greece and elsewhere in Europe .
11 Rice flails , which could not be taken into football matches , were used in street battles , as also were edges of razor blades taped to the inside of fingers or the instep of boots .
12 By contrast , those who support the ‘ society-as-parent ’ position see adoption and fostering not necessarily as mutually exclusive , but as both being forms of substitute care whose boundaries may be blurred .
13 Using ( 6.52 ) , we can derive the value of the levered firm as follows : where as before is earnings before interest and tax .
14 Included as well are statements , mounted on the wall , by these artists on the subject of colour .
15 Inside the cell as well are proteins , whose constituent amino acids are also electrically charged .
16 We might as well be councillor and actually sort of erm stated the problem to which it is very difficult to find a solution and that problem is how do you keep council rents below nine and a half percent , that is a problem to which councillor does not have a solution .
17 We might as well be mates .
18 I brought two ticket 's here for Ivy and John for the Deacon 's , they might as well be members look
19 This could just as well be art as social work or joining a religious movement .
20 She thought it might as well be Betty and sat down by Finn , because then Betty , even if displeased at her laziness , could not fail to commend her courtesy .
21 While Julia Roberts , as Tinkerbell , ‘ swallows so many syllables she might as well be chewing gum ’ .
22 Might as well be Ostend .
23 It is not because they are rightists ( they could just as well be leftists ) but because they want to capture the centre not for the gospel but for a ‘ Holy America ’ .
24 However , that buying policy seems to have existed for only a very short period and to have been an aberration , as indeed is Fishbane 's reign .
25 The venturi outlets on pond-pumps/systems and aquarium powerheads are quite safe as indeed are air pumps .
26 Details are hard to come by , as indeed are macadamia nuts .
27 Visibility was severely restricted and the policemen still on duty at that cordon were dim blurs , as indeed was Pearce , who was out there now , supervising the departure of what had become , in essence , a rather ineffective investigation team .
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