Example sentences of "as [pron] is not " in BNC.

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1 Then there 's another ten cold minutes waiting since the East End service is only twice as good as ours , and twice as good as nothing is not much .
2 was delighted to tell you that we have already received our first nomination for this position in 1992. has been nominated and seconded and , as she is not a current elected member of the Executive Committee , it has been decided to invite her to the remaining Executive meetings as an observer so that she gets used to how the Society functions .
3 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
4 As one is not supposed to leave a family no matter what the dispute or argument , so a lifetime of commitment to the firm is expected from workers .
5 There is nothing superficial in comparing works of different times and cultures , so long as one is not making glib suggestions of direct linkages between them .
6 So long as one is not a dedicated socialist , politics is not initially important ; in any case , the dedicated socialist is unlikely to want to join .
7 It is perfectly true that there is nothing conclusively in the poem to make us identify the first stair with Dante 's Inferno , the second with his Purgatorio , the third with Paradiso ; as there is not ( a more piercing uncertainty ) anything to determine for us whether ‘ the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green ’ , with his ‘ music of the flute ’ , is an image of what must be renounced in order to achieve Paradise , or else an image of how terrestrial life can most nearly attain the paradisal .
8 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
9 There was nothing primordial about Italianness , just as there is not about the South Africanness of the ANC .
10 Henry Blake , who was Governor from 1903 to 1907 , believed that ‘ in the majority of cases tried in Ceylon the evidence is unsatisfactory , as there is not alone an utter disregard for truth , but an extraordinary ingenuity of invention . ’
11 The archive is not open to the public at the moment as there is not enough funding for staff and technical equipment , but it is hoped that this will soon be overcome .
12 Very soft water is not suitable , as there is not enough dissolved calcium carbonate , the main material of the shell .
13 Although most of these are CGLI craft courses , as there is not the same clear-cut distinction between craft and technician functions in agriculture as there is in other industries , many of the Institute 's schemes straddle the craft-technician boundary .
14 However , there may be a loophole and that is that once the compatible interoperable program has been created there seems no reason why the interface details can not be subsequently used to create competing , replacement programs as long as there is not a substantial copy made of the code in the original program , as indicated in Figure 3 .
15 It is not thought that repayment of this type of charge would result in any charge to inheritance tax , as there is not a disposition intended to confer gratuitous benefit ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s10 ) .
16 One of the best places to go is the Edinburgh Room not only because of its wide variety of subjects but also because of the choice of sources , as there is not only books but slides , photos , maps and much more .
17 Meanwhile , the government claims that old currency left in interest-bearing accounts should hold its value , so long as it is not spent .
18 The conduct element is causing ‘ actual bodily harm ’ , which has been given the wide definition of ‘ any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim ’ so long as it is not merely transient or trifling' .
19 The snatching is usual on full lock as the universal joint in each front drive shaft speeds up and slows down as it is not a constant velocity joint ( unlike the V8 109 and Range Rover ) .
20 Caletti 's admirable attempt at removing fear , ignorance , and stigma from sexual topics is tempered slightly by his view that prostitution is ‘ disgusting ’ and that masturbation is not harmful as long as it is not indulged in more than twice a month ( my italics ) .
21 You can therefore put such a fodder crop onto tripods or a fence when damp , confident that it will dry out , so long as it is not loaded too tight .
22 This gives rise to difficulties in serving an abatement or prohibition notice , as it is not possible to specify any works to abate the odour , and yet a notice which merely requires the recipient to take steps to abate the odour , is unlikely to achieve the desired effect .
23 Whatever ‘ turns you on ’ is okay , so long as it is not connected with modern materialism or the one-God religions , like Christianity , Judaism or Islam .
24 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
25 This strategy , NEC insists , produces greater flexibility ( as it is not necessary to follow IBM slavishly ) and also keeps the company on a smoother footing as it no longer needs to follow IBM 's every turn .
26 You do not have to exchange rings as it is not a legal requirement , although once again the bride and groom will have to sign the register .
27 Just as it is not illegal to own porn , nor is it illegal to be lesbian or gay ( unless you are a man under 21 ) : but the rights of both porn and lesbian and gay people to exist are strictly limited .
28 In animals physical and emotional , if not mental , changes do occur but these have to be elicited by careful observation of the animal , as it is not easy for it to indicate directly how it feels , or how its perceptions and emotions have changed .
29 Whatever he says is bound to be controversial , though that does not matter as long as it is not provocative .
30 This is likely to be your most fertile day , as it is not unusual to detect your surge on the first day of testing .
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