Example sentences of "as [conj] i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I knew what he was getting at , of course , and I was so hurt that he should think he had to approach me in such a roundabout fashion — as if I was a terrible , uncharitable woman who had to be coaxed into a simple act of kindness — that I suggested it myself at once , though it was really the last thing I wanted .
2 He gave me such a look , as if I was being really disgusting .
3 As if I were — but I was , I realized suddenly .
4 I 'm about to invest in a brand new , superduper , anti-obsolescence computer and I feel as confident as if I were shopping for a pair of skis .
5 The choir , and all about it , and the church I rather enjoyed because as as I were growing up most of the p people that came were the business people and the people that were conscientious towards that area , St. John 's .
6 I never made more friends as easily as when I was among people whose language I spoke badly and who barely spoke mine at all .
7 ‘ But it was not as bad as when I was first diagnosed .
8 Well in them days you used to have to er work for eight till six or anything like that you see same as when I was wo first went to work .
9 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
10 I have a nagging sense of being unsatisfied with my behaviour , as though I was doing something morally wrong .
11 The first time I stood up to cross-examine the CEGB 's opening witness , Derek Davis — the man who had said in 1952 that there was ‘ no strong local opposition ’ to Hinkley C — I felt as though I was floundering in a mess of unthought-out quibbles .
12 He said : ‘ It came out looking as though I was telling them to stuff the season of goodwill , not buy the children any presents and put a bullet in the turkey .
13 McIllvanney stared at me as though I was a complete idiot .
14 ‘ But maybe he does , ’ Thessy insisted sadly , and both he and Ellen stared reproachfully at me as though I was risking all their future prosperity .
15 Discussions about my future took place behind closed doors , and sometimes in my presence as though I was n't there .
16 ‘ I felt as though I was stuck in this network of electrical impulses .
17 I felt as though I was stuck in this network or maze of electrical impulses .
18 ‘ Sounds as though I was right when I decided to poke into the activities of INCUBUS — and Hauser … ’
19 I said , ‘ 'Course I can , ’ an' then 'e starts lookin' at these papers as though I was n't there .
20 I started doing it with pot , breaking a little bit , squashing it on the foil and smoking it as though I was having a chase .
21 " It was n't that I was in love with him , you know , " she said , from time to time , as chorus to her main argument , " it was n't as though I was in love with him , you know . "
22 Kagan looked at me as though I was demented .
23 ‘ I felt as though I was announcing it the whole time : by the way I watched you , and talked to you , and could hardly manage not to touch you — stroke your head , brush your arm , hold your hand … .
24 ‘ You and your little nerves , ’ he said and he put his fingers in the back of the collar of my dress and pulled it slightly as though I was a recalcitrant dog .
25 I was sufficiently idiotic to love with a longing that weakened me as though I was bleeding .
26 My voice had risen a good half-octave and my hands were waggling around on the end of my arms as though I was trying to shake off bits of Sellotape .
27 I felt as though I was riding on a pink cloud with all the tension and misery flowing from me in a joyful torrent .
28 I spoke to him but he walked past me as though I was n't there …
29 ‘ It looks as though I was wrong about that , too . ’
30 ‘ As the midwife came into the room , I had a strong contraction which really felt as though I was in labour .
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