Example sentences of "as [adv] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that a critical mass of teachers who see their job as not just delivering education but as re-creating it , in however small a way , is the absolute pre-condition for change that is purposeful and cumulative .
2 I know , but yo might as well just stay put here .
3 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
4 We have a new phone system , so you can r If you want to test it out you might as well just give me a ring and come on the air to begin with .
5 might as well just give you a blazer and
6 Well I was talking to him about it , I said I reckon you 've spent the you 've spent quite a bit now so you might as well just go another get final .
7 If you 've spare people or even just another pair of hands , you ring their second numbers as well just to block the lines and it never hurts to put a few idiot inquiries through to the dealing house main switchboard . ’
8 So what , when you 're paying that much for the hi-fi you do n't expect sound quality you 'll get from a tape to tape , it 's thought , the sound quality is so crap you might as well just do it on a shit thing
9 You might as well just do it .
10 Oh , you might as well just do hairdressing .
11 You might as well just buy
12 I might do a bit of revision with you next week as well just to help you with it .
13 So I might as well just relax .
14 But that , with things as they are we might as well just hang fire
15 ‘ We might as well just lie down and call in the exorcists . ’
16 I might as well just save my pound and give it to whoever fucking wins that thing cos I 've never won it .
17 Well er , yeah well it is , but I think cos one , you 've got to look at , oh a bit of a design as well a while you 're at it you might as well just get one or two bits
18 You might as well just get a brown .
19 You have to say something like ‘ God was always there ’ , and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy way out , you might as well just say ‘ DNA was always there ’ , or ‘ Life was always there ’ , and be done with it .
20 Her previous placatory approach had failed , so now she might as well just say what she believed .
21 er , you know , but , we might as well just say to everybody , David , Geoff , Ian
22 You may as well just put the record on .
23 Well he wo n't be bringing them so , you might as well just put it away .
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