Example sentences of "as [pron] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Please do n't tell me to buy children 's shoes as I already do so when I need a flat pair , but I like high heels and am finding it increasingly difficult to buy them .
2 I would like this to be explained to me as I just do n't understand it .
3 I am sure that the Minister will be aware — representing a rural area , as I also do — that there is considerable concern about closures and amalgamations that lead to both defendants and witnesses having to travel vast distances .
4 It is n't always easy for anyone to get to the bottom of every detail of a bill er which refers to earlier legislation and erm er er I 'm sure that my Noble Friend would sympathise anyhow erm er er w with with me insofar as I also do not have the advantage of er legal qualifications which he manages to make up for most adequately .
5 I will comment , as I repeatedly do , on the determination of everyone in Ulster to end violence and to ensure that they can get back to living normal lives .
6 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
7 Determined not to put a foot wrong , let alone go in over the top , as I sometimes do .
8 Whether you disagree profoundly with his interpretations , as I sometimes do , or take them all for what they are , it is almost impossible to break away from the spell of his playing which is , at very worst , interesting .
9 Looking back on that visit , as I sometimes do , I find it difficult to reconcile the warm , charming and amusing hostess who spared the time to entertain us that day with the latter-day basso profundo screecher of the House of Commons and the earnest , ingratiating gusher of numerous television interviews ( performances which make me dream wistfully of the old saw , ‘ In the ideal society politics should be as unobtrusive as drains ’ ) .
10 You may think as I often do : has the client never before seen his consumers ?
11 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , as I often do , Harry still goes and does whatever he wants .
12 I think about my friend Erin , as I often do .
13 I stopped in the lane for a moment , as I often do , before I climbed the steps to the front door , and looked in through the windows .
14 One might , as I usually do with one of his novels , quarrel mildly about his formal devices ; but that would be an irrelevant vanity .
15 I opted for the neckband , as I usually do , because I like to do these double , so if the front bands go on first I have to do two buttonholes on the double fabric of the neckband .
16 Calming myself I took it page by page , instead of going straight to the Rrap as I usually do .
17 No , I 'm going to interrupt you as I usually do .
18 If I had been fishing that section of the drain from the other bank , as I usually do , that would have been one of the swims where I would have expected to get a run or two .
19 I begin , as I usually do .
20 Pei 's generosity with space , the fact that one never feels oppressed by ceilings ( as I always do at Lasdun 's National Theatre ) , reveals him as a distinctive architectural sculptor .
21 I slightly lengthened my stride , feeling self-conscious as I always do if I find myself marching in step with martial music , when I deliberately break step and try to walk between the beats , as it were , in as unmilitary a way as possible .
22 ‘ No , I shall do as I always do . ’
23 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ means ‘ I 'm going to carry on and behave as I always do even if it does n't suit you . ’
24 I passed her the tissues as I always do .
25 system until we introduce the council tax , but of course I will listen with care to any representations that are made , as I always do .
26 Adopting , as I respectfully do , that approach to the Convention , the principles governing the duty of the English court to take account of article 10 appear to be as follows : where the law is clear and unambiguous , either stated as the common law or enacted by Parliament , recourse to article 10 is unnecessary and inappropriate .
27 As you clearly do n't trust them there seems little point in going into them . ’
28 It 's perfectly easy to take your clothes off — it 's much harder to expose yourself emotionally , to render yourself vulnerable before another person — as you assuredly do in the expression of yourself and your needs in a sexual relationship .
29 If only I had as much spare time as you evidently do , then I would happily reciprocate by wandering about this house reminding you of tasks you have perfectly well in hand . ’
30 During the whole of this phase eat and exercise exactly as you normally do .
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