Example sentences of "as [prep] how the " in BNC.

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1 There is wide agreement that the recent forest damage can predominantly be ascribed to atmospheric pollution even if there remains uncertainty concerning which pollutants are to blame at which locations and what the response mechanisms are for triggering damage , as well as over how the contributing natural stress factors should be weighted ( Hinrichsen , 1986 ) .
2 THE SOVIET UNION and Pakistan remain bitterly divided as to how the conflict in Afghanistan should be resolved , despite having agreed on the wording for a United Nations resolution in the hope of avoiding a public row at the General Assembly , diplomats said yesterday .
3 It has submitted final proposals to ministers along with a range of options as to how the link might be built .
4 With the development of the concepts of what international marketing entails , a lively debate has developed as to how the international marketing manager should approach his task .
5 Certainly there was abundant evidence as to how the centre-left had lost its entrenched intellectual and ideological ascendancy .
6 Further clarification might also be required as to how the Situationist negation of art ( and cinema ) related to the wider sphere of cultural-political struggle .
7 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
8 However there were indications yesterday that it may be limited to proposals as to how the two would cooperate if they were ordered to combine their efforts by the NATO European Fighter Management Agency , which is responsible for purchasing the system .
9 ‘ And also to offer some suggestions as to how the UK handicap could be reduced and its disadvantages turned to its advantage . ’
10 Yet more instructions are given as to how the people should live , how they should avoid oppression , and show true compassion for the poor and the vulnerable .
11 Lady after lady breathed heavier when Pen dashed in and out , and on the days when Wilson was a little late with the supper — which she now undertook to provide — on account of having been delayed taking tea with Mrs Browning there was not a word of complaint but only a diffident enquiry as to how the venerable poetess had seemed .
12 Cooke recalled how , like everyone else , he was utterly baffled as to how the pollsters could have got it all so wrong — until , a few days later , he found himself in a train sitting opposite a Republican county chairman .
13 The authority and the school have wide discretion as to how the records should be compiled , given the two major purposes of providing basic data on a pupil 's progress for other teachers and the parents and providing evidence to support the teacher 's assessment of the pupil 's level of attainment .
14 McAteer could not remember having been struck there and made no claim as to how the injury had been caused .
15 Management therefore should be concerned primarily with selecting a product which has a realistic chance of working and detailing clear procedures as to how the product should be used as well as ensuring effective supervision .
16 In the first two reports of the Commissioner , he drew attention to a few technical problems , such as wrong numbers being intercepted , and he did make recommendations as to how the procedures should be modified , describing these as being of ‘ no great importance ’ .
17 Their approach now is to try and find out where and when the protein is made during limb development , in the hope that this will provide some insight as to how the gene works .
18 The doctor 's expectations as to how the elderly patient should behave influence the actual behaviour of the elderly patient by non-verbal communication . ’
19 But more recently , as companies have become more and more concerned at the escalating costs of purchasing and maintaining increasingly advanced technological capabilities , fundamental questions are being asked as to how the use of IT gives a company strategic advantage — if it does [ Earl ( 1988 ) ; Bruce ( 1988 ) ] .
20 There is no positive evidence as to how the regnal year was reckoned in periods before that time .
21 Rumours were flying around as to how the fire started .
22 It was hoped that these detailed observations and interviews would give information as to how the course was functioning as a whole and how the different parts were functioning .
23 Some teenagers are deterred through fear of hurting the feelings of their adopted parents and others may have too many doubts as to how the encounter might work out .
24 During the 1970s the Community was preoccupied with enlargement of the Community , institutional crises such as the Luxembourg accords , following the refusal of France to accept qualified majority ruling in the Council of Minsters , frequent budgetary difficulties and differences of view as to how the Community should be financed which resulted in very little progress towards the achievement of a single market .
25 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
26 The Chancellor 's Budget speech comprises a review of the past year 's finances , a statement of needs for the forthcoming year and , finally , proposals as to how the necessary funds should be raised by taxation or otherwise .
27 However , so keen was Germi to get Dustin that he had made him co-producer , and allowed him equal say as to how the role was to be played .
28 After a lengthy meeting at the end of June there was clear agreement as to how the more controversial , and radical , of the laws should be applied .
29 Bohm believes that scientists who profess to have no philosophy of science beyond that of open enquiry , deceive themselves ; for their whole approach is based on unquestioned assumptions as to how scientific research should proceed and long-standing prejudices as to how the World works .
30 I would now like to make specific proposals as to how the model of pragmatic mediation that I have proposed in these chapters might be made operational within a programme of in-service education for language teachers .
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