Example sentences of "as [prep] why the " in BNC.

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1 The delegation are to submit evidence as to why the course should be privatised in the interests of racing .
2 She took no part in the exclaiming and protesting and analysing nor would she indulge in speculation as to what had really happened or as to why the letter of authority had not been used against Ellen .
3 In June 1548 , when the Scots had suffered it for four years , lord Methven reported to Mary of Guise the results of his inquiries as to why the Englishmen were favoured .
4 Nor was there an explanation as to why the letter , which was dated 10 June 1965 , had waited for over a year and a half before being revealed .
5 Stirling was puzzled as to why the place was not a scene of feverish activity , but while they had been about their business Rommel was in the process of retaking Benghazi .
6 A 5lb bream is a big fish , and when viewed alongside , say , a 5lb chub , we are curious as to why the bream is only equal in weight .
7 Rob seems genuinely puzzled as to why the band have been heralded as the great white/black hope for modernism in the '90s .
8 When it was first recognised that the atom could be likened to a small solar system in which the electron planets orbited a nuclear sun , theorists were Puzzled as to why the electrons in their tightly curved orbits did not radiate their energy away and spiral into the nucleus as predicted by classical , that is pre-quantum , theory .
9 ‘ the reasons for it ’ — a statement as to why the treatment prescribed would not give a true and fair view ;
10 The victims of a burglary are often puzzled as to why the thief chose their home in preference to others .
11 If he was slightly puzzled as to why the familiar car that Louis 's mother drove had n't yet passed them , he put it from his mind as he enjoyed the walk home .
12 One current explanation as to why the dinosaurs died and the mammal-like reptiles survived is that the dinosaurs were cold-blooded : when conditions became arctic , the dinosaurs just died .
13 The Speed Metal group contacted a psychiatrist to get members ‘ to start talking to each other again after losing focus as to why the band originally got together ’ .
14 They offered no theory as to why the child behaved in such a way , no external event was allowed an explanatory status ; rather the outburst was reflected back to the personality of the child , who was said to have a very angry liver ( the liver being the seat of inner states ) .
15 Locke 's use of the term ‘ ideas ’ ( ‘ ideas of sickness and pain' ) is a clue as to why the manna → gripings model for talk about the objects of perception appealed to him so much .
16 It is , however , a fascinating tale and provides the explanation for one who knows the area well as to why the LNER was able to establish a toehold in a region when the Great Western and LMS constituents held sway .
17 Thus Verity , the generation construction engineer , replied to an enquiry in September 1949 as to why the engineers had not reacted to a draft contracts procedure sent to them six months ago :
18 In the circumstances it is not strictly necessary for me to express an opinion on the other submission made by Mr. Levy , for the local authority , as to why the judge applied the wrong test in exercising his discretion .
19 ( 2 ) A party against whom the court is considering making the costs order shall have an opportunity to make representations as to why the order should not be made .
20 For the sake of completeness I should mention a further argument which was advanced by Mr. Beloff as to why the rules of natural justice should not apply .
21 As to why the application is before this court , that quite simply is because it was to this court that the implied undertaking was given ; we alone , therefore , have power to vary it .
22 Furthermore , the institution should be required to listen to representations from the parties as to why the presumption of the legislation should not apply in a particular case , and to evaluate these representations .
23 We have argued that such institutions should be public ( though not ruling out the possibility of a role , even an important role , for private actions , as an additional deterrent to abuses of market power ) ; that there should be a single investigating institution with powers to identify and to investigate cases , and to propose remedies , within a clearly stated framework of rules and guidelines ; that firms should be given an opportunity to make representations as to why the competition policy presumptions should not apply in a particular case ; and that there should be a competition tribunal with the task of reviewing and monitoring the recommendations of the competition policy institution .
24 I was getting used to the odd feeling of distance , which made it seem as if it was all about someone else , but it was alarming to see how most of the articles highlighted the love-story angle , rather than the conditions in which John was held or the reasons I 'd given as to why the Government should be doing more .
25 There was nothing of interest or value , nothing that gave any clue as to why the scientist had been killed .
26 Even though the story reverberated through the Highlands , there is no evidence that either Boswell or Johnson knew the tale — had they done so , Boswell might have been less merry with his lubricious reasons as to why the woman would not show them the bedroom .
27 Since his return , parson had become heavily involved with the Shah , attempting to advise him and to answer his questions as to why the people had turned against him .
28 No rhyme or reason can be found as to why the courts have called a fact preliminary in one case but not in another .
29 As Jowell and Lester argue , ‘ intellectual honesty requires a further and better explanation as to why the act is unreasonable . ’
30 Puzzled as to why the DEA and CIA would choose to do this through a front operation in Nicosia rather than through official channels , Coleman duly reported all this activity to Control , but the response was so muted he could only conclude that the DIA knew about it already .
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