Example sentences of "as [noun] [vb -s] to " in BNC.

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1 If we assume , as seems reasonable , that the total salary bill declines with the grade in the organization , this implies that ; in turn this means that the average cost approaches as G tends to infinity .
2 As time passes C t increases to ω and this period of temporary imitation dwindles away as play tends to the full information limit .
3 Non-cooperation , as Gandhi understands it , does not always have to be an act of love in the same way as satyāgraha has to be , but it is in act of love and consequently a branch of satyāgraha when it seeks to promote the good of a wrongdoer .
4 If , the elasticity is ; where , the elasticity increases with the number of firms and approaches as n tends to infinity .
5 The roar of the SuperMark becomes louder by the hour as freedom translates to trading and economic opportunities to the Western economy plumb in the centre of the new Central Europe .
6 Just as change has to be acceptable if there is to be success in implementing it , so training for management has to be acceptable .
7 Not that I expect you to be so baby-besotted as the people round here — with good cause , of course , as Ewan has to be a paragon !
8 As opposition mounts to the proposed threat of 9,000 tonnes of limestone switching from rail to road , villages throughout North Yorkshire go on the alert amid growing fears over safety .
9 Scooter hire ( check your insurance cover ! ) and small motor boat hire are available , as well as boat trips to Anti-Paxos or around the island .
10 What then is the import of the mathematical singularity with g , diverging to infinity as r goes to r ?
11 In the limit as r tends to zero we obtain
12 He came up with a sugar called 2-deoxygalactose ( 2-Dgal , which bears the same relationship to the sugar galactose as 2-DG does to glucose ) .
13 As Frank takes to the skies in a light aircraft , his instructor collapses from a heart attack , and Frank bounces the plane off a road , sticks his leg out , spirals from 3,000 feet to a mere 250 feet , and narrowly misses the control tower .
14 He 'll be battling it out in Portaferry for one of the richest prizes in European triathlon as £10,000 goes to the winner .
15 A constitutional assessment would be highly recommended particularly as thrush tends to be a recurrent or chronic problem — see Conditions Requiring Constitutional Therapy on page 137 .
17 It has also been suggested that the Bond albedo was lower within the last few hundred years and that the atmosphere is still cooling as Jupiter adjusts to its new higher albedo .
18 A sighted person can make predictions about the future course of tangible experience — falling over a precipice or hitting a wall — which to a blind man ‘ seem as strange and unaccountable as prophecy doth to others ’ .
19 Literacy , then , is not , as Goody appears to be arguing , a ‘ neutral ’ technology , with ‘ potentialities and restrictions ’ depending simply on how it is used .
20 No doubt in some cases this was true , but as research has indicated a much denser pattern of settlement in earlier periods , and as continuity seems to be the norm , the role of churches has required re-examination .
21 There 's also a more formal and more advanced reporting procedure , based on the DataEase Query Language ( DQL ) , as near as DataEase gets to programming .
22 Of course , only a sensibility that is accustomed to seeing food largely in still lifes can be surprised , as Greenaway seems to be , by the revelation that food , whether eaten or not , eventually by digestion or rot comes to look less good .
23 Germany cuts interest rates as inflation falls to 11% .
24 The president tried to soothe the unions by promising that , as inflation drops to zero in a few weeks , real pay will increase .
25 The idea of the state as societas corresponds to civil association in that it provides a vision of the state as a non-purposive , rule-based institution .
26 And of his views in the 1840s he wrote : " We were now much less democrats than I had been , because so long as education continues to be so wretchedly imperfect , we dreaded the ignorance and especially the selfishness and brutality of the mass … " ( p. 138 )
27 Nevertheless , such fictions are not meant to be taken literally , for it can be dangerous to indulge the Gothic imagination in ordinary life , as Catherine learns to her cost at Northanger Abbey .
28 Colin resents the notion that he does n't carry a big punch and this could be a chance for him to try to prove otherwise as Palacio admits to having been knocked out four times in his 58-fight career .
29 In the sense that apple has the same relationship to fruit as dog has to animal ( i.e.' — is an immediate taxonym of — ' — see chapter 6 for the meaning of taxonym ) , that relation is of the sort known as ‘ many-to-one ’ .
30 Post-sample , the exchange control term will simply change the steady-state portfolio share ( as JXC tends to 1 ) .
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