Example sentences of "had write [prep] mr " in BNC.

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1 He was replying to the disclosure by John Ward , the dead woman 's father , that he had written to Mr Rowland earlier this year asking for assistance in persuading the Kenyan authorities to open a murder inquiry .
2 During the latest six-day adjournment — to allow two witnesses to be called from abroad — Mr Ward said he had written to Mr Rowland on 31 January , asking for his help and recounting details of his daughter 's death .
3 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
4 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
5 John Camkin , chief executive of the League Managers ' Association , had written to Mr Taylor and Mr Parry suggesting that Mr Wilkinson , the association 's chairman , could help .
6 Mr Connolly said he had written to Mr Clarke saying he very much hoped Labour 's commitment to the retention of water services under local government control extended to returning those services to councils ‘ in the unhappy event of any form of privatisation or transfer to some hybrid organisation ’ .
7 Executive members of one of the party 's most active branches , Mossend , confirmed yesterday they had written to Mr Salmond asking him to stand down as a result of the MPs ' decision to strike a deal with the Conservatives in exchange for their votes on the Maastricht bill .
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