Example sentences of "had this [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I had this lifelong problem , you see . ’
2 Most recent of course , is euthanasia it does n't draw the line at killing foxes I had this terrible vision in the early hours this morning , of Ron closing all our elderly persons ' homes , pushing all the old people out onto the street and the hunt with at its head hunting them down the countryside .
3 Well the atmosphere is very bad indeed in Belfast because er we had this before of course twenty years ago we had various bad situations but it has n't been so bad in recent years , but this last fortnight , er we 've had U V F killings , then we had this terrible bomb by the I R A killing the protestants in the Shankhill Road .
4 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
5 You had this awful guilt about not doing anything .
6 But no sooner had this new approach been introduced than criticisms were mounted : not only the costs and slowness of improvement schemes , but also the social conflicts inherent in gentrification when improvement benefited not the original occupant but an incomer where areas of working-class housing ( particularly in London ) were transformed into desirable enclaves for higher-income households .
7 ‘ Who , the guy who 's meant to have told Nicola she had this new job ? ’
8 Then again , I had this vague vision — a pure fantasy — that schoolchildren would rise from their beds in this tiny village , and would file down to school carrying Japanese-made microcomputers to help them with their sums and their essays .
9 How had this agonising confrontation arisen ?
10 I had this odd dream last night .
11 He had this odd idea , you see , that helping the police was what it was all about .
12 " I did n't realise that you had this tender regard for Bradley .
13 Had this ludicrous tiff with Vic about a line .
14 Normally , if you want nothing more than a passage anchorage , Dale , down near the entrance , will serve very well , but we felt Neyland merited a first visit , and thanks to going there we had this early morning enchantment of seeing ships , great and small , going about their work .
15 He 'd obviously had a bad night had this poor bloke , you know .
16 She really believed her company had this greater purpose .
17 and had this internal investigation .
18 I had this live eel and he liked to have me insert it … ’
19 Where had this dark side of her come from ?
20 He had this quirky sense of humour that always seemed to surface whenever Lisa least expected it .
21 So how had this mutual aid , if that was all it was , slowly changed , so that their lives became interdependent , until one day it was love ?
22 But she remembers the Co-op having its first shop just , still in High street , but half way down , but then they had this prime position right on the corner , you know and it was a marvellous , a good Co-op I always thought .
23 And we did n't see the warning signs and then when we had this serious situation it er it it nearly it nearly swamped us .
24 And he had this two bags of sugar you know one that was and he was gon na light his pipe and he threw us and he could n't get off and it strangled him .
25 I 've always been amazed , and continue to be amazed , by the years in which the composer was treated with a certain amount of contempt simply out of jealousy , because he had this marvellous gift for a singable tune . ’
26 But anyway she had , he had this nice cap so I said to him , you know , can I have it and he said no it 's sentimental and I said well I 'll do anything
27 Then , one day , I had this horrifying realization that life at the office was more satisfying than life in our expensively furnished home in Surrey .
28 Had this unflattering picture of Bella emerged because of Johnny , she wondered , or because of her own somewhat despicable jealousy ?
29 And one day she had this other map , and I do n't know where she got that either , or what happened to it She only showed it me the once , and after that whenever I mentioned it she did n't know what I was talking about It was made of something absolutely rigid but incredibly thin .
30 ‘ It 's hard to believe she had this other life and yet if I met her now it would be difficult to dislike her .
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