Example sentences of "had be given [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After two months , a settlement of 17 per cent was agreed , but the green light had been given for others to follow on .
2 When the aircraft took off , at last , with a mere 18 missiles , no clearance had been given for overflights between Tel Aviv and Tehran .
3 The prizewinner was presented with a cup , which had been given for the first time in 1987 .
4 Treatment had been given for periods ranging from two weeks to over 10 years .
5 Giving their decision , Lord Hope said strong reasons had been given for hearing what the children had to say without taking them back to Orkney .
6 At their next meeting instructions had been given for a rendezvous .
7 If , on the other hand , ‘ domicile ’ had the meaning which that term had been given for the purposes of the application of the Brussels Convention , it must be assimilated to residence .
8 Before the second Dutch war they argued for parliamentary control of the revenue destined for the war , and during the session of 1666–7 Garway was in the forefront of the group 's attacks on government corruption , proposing a statutory committee to examine the accounts of the money which had been given for the war with the Dutch .
9 Should the elective resolution cease to have effect , if the authority has lasted for 5 years or more before the election it expires forthwith : otherwise it has effect as if it had been given for a fixed period of 5 years .
10 There was nothing to spare unless he used the rupee that he had been given for his own food .
11 no , I 'd voiced my concern and I understood the instruction had been given for the brochures or for that particular part of the brochure to be withdrawn and
12 Members heard funding had been given for a fourth ear , nose and throat surgeon .
13 Mr Hamnett , of Hassocks , Sussex , said chocolate penises had been given as Christmas gifts by departmental secretaries during the lunch .
14 She also toyed with a book she had been given as a Christmas present , In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine .
15 She was sure if she listened hard enough she would be able to hear the creak of the rocking-horse the girl had been given as a Christmas present a month ago .
16 A second inscription on the opposite side reveals that it had been given as a wedding present to the employer himself in 1838 .
17 The third sister , Ankhsenpaaten , had been given as a child bride to Tutankhaten .
18 It could be memorised easily and no warning had been given about its sensitivity .
19 The Test and County Cricket Board 's chief executive Alan Smith said he was satisfied with assurances he had been given about the safety of Graham Gooch 's 16-man squad .
20 No warning , of course , had been given of the shelling from the ‘ Big Berthas ’ and the public feared that an advance on Paris would soon follow .
21 In early April a figure had been given of 1,108 security personnel deaths since June 1990 , when the breakdown of a year-long ceasefire [ see pp. 37529-30 ] had dashed hopes of a political solution to the Tamil separatist issue .
22 One of Leonard 's great joys in his teenage years was a full set of the English poets , bound in leather , which had been given to his father for his Bar Mitzvah .
23 Between 1949 and 1954 much of his spare time had been given to poetic scribbling ; and he was also giving voice to a measure of vacillation and disillusionment , which we shall encounter in his poetry from time to time .
24 Charges against him were dropped in May 1988 after a meeting between the Crown Prosecution Service and the force complaints department , because his alleged confession had been given to an officer , Det Sgt James McManus , who was already under investigation in another case .
25 Mr Kuntar , one of two alleged ‘ kidney brokers ’ , came into the room and told him his kidney had been given to this man .
26 Mr Kuntar , one of two alleged ‘ kidney brokers ’ , came into the room and told him his kidney had been given to this man .
27 ‘ If proper thought had been given to that , I think the conclusion must have been that it would not be beneficial …
28 Jane was horrified when Erwin drove up in a Land Rover which had been given to the charity by a large company , and which he had appropriated .
29 When he had been given to Uncle Farmborough to be his heir and to look after him in his old age , he was considered fortunate — but how could a child reconcile itself to such a strange state of affairs that he had been given away , to the fact that his own father and mother , brother and sister , lived quite near in the village but , as it were , in a different camp ?
30 Sir Nicholas Cayzer , whose baronetcy had been given to his father by Lloyd George , was raised to the peerage by Margaret Thatcher in 1982 .
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