Example sentences of "had be before [art] " in BNC.

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1 When Mary Queen of Scots went to Edinburgh she bewailed going out among savages , and she herself went from a sixteenthcentury court that held but a barbarous , or rather a drivelling and idiotic and superficial travesty of the Italian culture as it had been before the debacle of 1527 .
2 This action was endorsed by the National Association of Unions in the Textile Trade ( NAUTT ) and the matter was put to the employers who responded by suggesting that British industry was less competitive than it had been before the return to the gold standard and the reflation of the pound , and suggested that wages should be reduced by 8 per cent .
3 There were clearly changes occurring , and the borderlines between social classes , never very clear at the best of times , were probably less precise than they had been before the First World War — though class barriers were by no means collapsing in the real world of health , education and social opportunity .
4 The flask was a deal emptier than it had been before the dinner break .
5 Within two years the volume of travel was higher practically everywhere in the world than it had been before the war .
6 The losses at the Battle of Sagrajas had been great and not even the addition of El Cid 's men could make it anything like as strong as it had been before the coming of Yusuf .
7 Scott LJ ( with whom Butler-Sloss and Purchas LJJ agreed ) said that the appeal raised a question that had been before the court on a number of occasions in the past 10 years .
8 The Board of Guardians dealt with the matter in committee , and later issued a statement to the press : the master had been before the Board about certain irregularities , but had nothing to say in response .
9 Money was now plentiful in her home , thanks to Michael 's employing her brothers in his business , while the majority of the people in Lancaster Road wore still no better off than they had been before the war .
10 Commending the Criminal Justice Bill to Parliament in 1947 the Home Secretary , Chuter Ede , said that it followed closely on the lines of a Bill which had been before the House of Commons in the session 1938/9 .
11 The world was a less " moral " place than it had been before the war : Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization , but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere . "
12 A possible limitation to this is the suggestion that it would cover only those matters which had been before the House , or at least those coming before the House in the current Parliamentary session .
13 He was treating it as a training exercise and said he would not have done it if the C1 had been before the C2 as he would not have compromised the C2 .
14 Since our last visit to Aberdeen , which had been before the oil boom , the port had been transformed .
15 People were cruel , like her father had been before the divorce , like Miss Shaw and Miss Rist were to Miss Malabedeely .
16 She tended to do it of late years by proxy , as it were : she was good — or had been before the advent of the Reverend Hereward Marr — at manning the tea-urn at the church social .
17 The youth in question had been before the courts , but was still at large .
18 With his evangelical approach , he thrived in the conditions of greater religious freedom introduced in 1988 , but his radical views on the church 's contemporary relevance placed him at odds with a traditionalist wing which sought to revive the Russian Orthodox Church as it had been before the Bolshevik revolution .
19 US President Bush ( who had been head of the then US liaison mission in Beijing in 1974-75 ) , appeared to want to restore relations as they had been before the Tiananmen Square massacre , but often came under congressional pressure to adopt a policy more critical of China .
20 So often since then she had lain awake in the darkness aching for him … but that had been before the discovery of Sybil 's body and the awful , emotional turmoil that had followed .
21 He thought of Beryl and the need to come to grips with the Garland set-up as it had been before the old man 's death .
22 The old peasant woman whom I visited told me how bad things had been before the Liberation — that she had had 8 children , of whom all but three had died .
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