Example sentences of "had be [prep] she " in BNC.

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1 Well then her mother died last Feb. with some awful cancer and her daughter had been beside her when she died and probably learnt then about the secret which must have burdened her poor mother 's life for so many years .
2 Her threat to leave the job had been an idle one , and whatever ill feeling there had been between her and Jenny must have been papered over .
3 She was able to let him go as he was now because she had clarified and confirmed what he had been to her .
4 How cruel he had been to her !
5 Convenience , that 's what it had been for her — little more .
6 ‘ That 's how dependent he had been on her . ’
7 First her sister had forgotten to inform Nora , then this policeman said Nora had been with her and Jerome in the Jaguar .
8 He said , ‘ I had been with her for three years , in love .
9 She waited and waited , the feeling of living a nightmare that had been with her ever since Thursday intensifying .
10 Rose Mundy told me of her continual battle with overweight thighs , a problem that had been with her for as long as she could remember .
11 Lord Archer and Lord Healey , both in Santa Claus outfits , had been with her at an event in honour of Headway , the National Head Injuries Association .
12 He had the notion that she was mocking him , and the anger he had felt earlier returned in a different form , a determination to excel , to beat other men who had been with her .
13 She stared away from them and up beyond the cage towards the grey sky , and Creggan saw in her eyes a longing and a hope that he sensed had been with her all her long life , and was with her even now when he saw she was so near death .
14 ‘ Your spy ? ’ she gibed , recalling that Cavell had been with her when another DJ had telephoned to ask her out to a street market that only operated at night .
15 He came to me He had a problem , he and I were good friends and he said that erm that this one girl s erm Michelle , was his favourite wife and that he had been with her since erm she was twelve .
16 The old man had been with her in the shop that morning , the same as ever , gossiping about the business , about the vagaries of their customers , the oddities of town councillors and the perverseness of families — all with a humour that was wickedly spiced .
17 She had not realized how close the birds and the snow and the deadwoods had been behind her .
18 The thought had been inside her ever since he had spoken , though she had continually pushed it away .
19 Everything was at an end — the hope , the joy , the new happiness that had been in her .
20 It was a longing that had been in her for always .
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