Example sentences of "had use [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the words of a newspaper account the following day , Grundy then asked ‘ a spiky-haired youth ’ to repeat a four-letter word he had used off camera .
2 ‘ Harvey darling , ’ she said in that same reproachful tone she had used on General Midwinter .
3 When this song failed to make the impact she clearly expected it to make , she turned to Henry as if she was addressing some Yugoslav peasant and did a lot of the kind of lip and tongue work she had used on Elke , their one and only au pair .
4 He lifted his hands to his face and smelt the chrism he had used on Hob 's head , hands , chest and feet .
5 It was therefore to be demolished , together with the two adjoining houses , which Croydon Corporation had used as offices .
6 To use the same metaphor that de Gaulle had used about Barricades Week , the putsch burst the abscess of opposition to his policies within the army .
7 His misery drove him to the theatre again , uselessly ; he had used up Dinah 's tickets , and was told at the box office that all seats were sold out .
8 What was wrong with the excuse she had used to Geoffrey : that she was trying to retrieve a set of her own notes from Puddephat .
9 ‘ I 'm not qualified to do much else , ’ Anna said , in the gentle voice she had used to Peter .
10 Fortunately I had with me a book of prose exercises that we had used at school , so , at random I chose one which I vaguely remembered .
11 Ari had anticipated that her training , until the consummation with Nathan , would involve being hooked up to machines like the ones Leila had used at Lazar Farm .
12 An untapped telephone number was to be communicated to the gang , who would use it to pass on further details , identifying themselves by the same method they had used with Valesio .
13 She straightened the long limbs and pressed the strands of black cotton she had used for hair more firmly into the scalp .
14 Even where the entrances were very well hidden by ploughing and cultivation , the rabbits somehow found their way back to the selfsame underground burrows their predecessors had used for generations .
15 De Gaulle 's argument against Mendès-France was essentially the same that he had used against Eisenhower in Strasbourg a few months earlier : circumstances matter .
16 The peasants ' allotments were significantly smaller than those they had used before Emancipation ; the ‘ cut-offs ’ withheld by landlords were particularly large in the fertile black-earth regions and were a source of intense and lasting bitterness .
17 Wright , Swinfen Eady J held that directors owed their fiduciary duties to the company and not to the company 's shareholders and thereby denied shareholders recourse to a direct action against directors who had used inside information at their ( the shareholders ' ) expense .
18 The same strategies that Reuben Mattus had used in New York were adopted — high prices , exclusive distribution , good quality controls , selective PR and a distinctive image .
19 It was the expression which Bao Dai had used in June 1950 although , as the Americans reported He understood our delicate position since France was our friend in Europe' .
20 No sooner had they set off than he said , in a tone completely different from the one he had used in Holly 's presence : ‘ You should n't have come here , Charlie , you really should n't .
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