Example sentences of "had use a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A survey by the Confederation of British Industry showed that only 2% of companies had used a factor .
2 One account reported ‘ Arab diplomats ’ as saying that Iraq had used a strike force of 10,000 to gain 90 square miles ( 230 sq .
3 She would take a few drops directly into the mouth using the pipette whereas previously she had used a teaspoon direct from the 100ml bottle .
4 One straight-forward case — involving a " Police 5 " message about a confidence trickster who had used a name belonging to an innocent plaintiff — had consequences devastatingly described by Lord Diplock : " This is an ordinary simple case of libel .
5 The show 's organisers had approached more well-known institutions and had been turned down by Los Angeles MOCA , the Art Institute of Chicago , the Monterrey Museum in Mexico ( which had used a Basquiat work as the cover for its inaugural catalogue ) , and by the Pompidou Centre in Paris .
6 This story did not impress the court who took the view that she had used a knife to cut off the head soon after its birth , and eventually she had to admit the truth .
7 STUNNED staff turned up at a garage in Chicklade , Wilts , to find thieves had used a chainsaw to cut off and steal a petrol pump .
8 He had used a friend 's Nivea to restore some moisture to the scrubbed , parched skin on his fingers .
9 The current phase of the debate had been developing since January 1992 when the country 's veteran leader , Deng Xiaoping , had used a tour of the special enterprise zones in southern China as an opportunity to praise the free market as a key mechanism of economic growth [ see p. 38722 ] .
10 He had used a graphite shaft which , although rather thicker than usual , was of excellent quality .
11 Although the Germans had used a warning radar since before 1939 , the Bruneval station included a new Würzburg set with its 20-foot ( 6m ) dish aerial able to range guns and direct planes on to a single aircraft .
12 Fortunately the rumour began to circulate that Disraeli had used a WP and suddenly computers were ‘ in ’ .
13 None of these pupils had used a diagram to assist them to obtain their answers , although a few diagrams were found among the descriptions of methods sent in by teachers in one liaison group .
14 Bath had used a variation of this move to score their first try .
15 The writing , which was in blue ink , was small and upright , as though the writer had used a set-square for each character .
16 When this was pointed out , the family 's reaction was at first disbelief and then concern , because the sale would have fallen through on this point , especially as , when they acquired the property , they had used a solicitor and a surveyor .
17 Robin Blythe had used a piece of wood and some barbed wire to remove the ladies ' shirts from the shop in Skinnergate , Darlington .
18 ( 1977 ) found that only one-third of respondents in a large survey of transport availability in Norfolk had used a bus or train in the preceding month .
19 I remembered that , according to Archie McLaren , the family had used a boat , and done all their shopping in Tobermory , avoiding the islanders .
20 She was delighted that the coffee was real and that I had used a glass jug on a silver stand , where a nightlight kept it steaming .
21 The Irishman had used a gun but a fountain pen could be equally dangerous .
22 The letter was sent by Francis Tonge , who lives in South Yunderup , Western Australia , and had used a Darlington telephone directory to try to trace his old pal .
23 I wanted to ask if she had died peacefully , whether they had used a syringe driver , if there 'd been anyone to comfort her .
24 Wilkins had implied that the Bible was not to be taken as a scientific text since the Holy Spirit had used a form of words comprehensible to the common man .
25 He had used a balance to find the answer and declared : ‘ This one big one , this one little one , this one nothing . ’
26 He had swum against the tide at a time when schools to which specific counsellor appointments had previously been made had used a counsellor 's vacancy , at a time of teaching staff reductions , for other purposes .
27 The company had to use a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) system to ensure all criteria were met and areas of potential risk were identified and overcome .
28 The mines in the Dailly coalfield were notorious for gas and there was a joke in the county 's other mining areas that there was so much gas underground at Dailly that the farmers had to use a Davy safety lamp when ploughing the fields .
29 And they collected so much they had to use a milk float to deliver the load .
30 We had to use a tarp only once .
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