Example sentences of "had done [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
2 This was a real blow to me , as I had done well in form 5a at school and had to watch my luckier contemporaries going into the sixth form for another year with the sure prospect of getting to teacher training college , or the luckiest of them all , to university .
3 Ironically , she was an office manager with a firm of personnel consultants and had done well in her three years with the company .
4 I had done well in my O-levels , but I had already won the Under-16 British squash championships , and I decided to go for broke and turn professional and see how I got on .
5 When Pringle swung across the line to be lbw , England had done well in the conditions to score 203 .
6 In Italy and France in particular the Communists had done well in post-war elections .
7 It was apparent that Labour had done well in the old inner cities , which the population had been leaving in the previous decade , partly owing to the growth of suburbs , partly owing to the effects of wartime bombing .
8 A proposal supported by Chile and Brazil for the bank to make loans directly to private-sector companies , as it had done frequently in its early years , was discussed .
9 After the Baltic Exchange explosion , the Government agreed to move in as it had done before in Northern Ireland , to act as ‘ insurer of last resort ’ , and the necessary legislation is in the Reinsurance ( Acts of Terrorism ) Bill published on 5 May this year .
10 The disc that slipped had done so in such a way as to be digging into my spinal chord .
11 One night ( this was in the second week after he had arrived , and about nine or ten weeks before The Romance really began ) the man who had driven him away from the Bar had done so in a big , warm , expensive , deep-seated car .
12 If the House of Commons had done so in relation to the allegedly offending provision under review in Pickin 's case , would the provision nevertheless have remained valid ?
13 Their opponents linked the negative phenomena in Chinese society with ‘ bourgeois contamination ’ , as they had done so in the ‘ spiritual pollution ’ campaign .
14 Of the places which did not petition in 1814 , although they had done so in 1792 , some 40 per cent were in Scotland .
15 Bernard was at the least reckoning an ambitious yeoman , the kind we expect to find purchasing land , like the Chibnalls of Sherington , not selling — unless , of course , he had done so in order to finance the purchase of his lease , or to stock the new and very much bigger farm ; but this is pure speculation .
16 Nearly all were undertaking their own personal therapy or had done so in the past , and all were appropriately supervised .
17 Marital breakdown often means that families must move — 58 per cent had done so in the Bradshaw and Millar survey .
18 Rock art evidence suggests that they had done so in pre-historic times .
19 Nevertheless , 12 members of the Cabinet did visit the shrine on Aug. 15 ( and at least three others had visited it earlier in the month ) , although most claimed that they had done so in a private capacity .
20 Lacey 's report found that the Justice Department had conducted a " virtually perfect " inquiry into the affair and had done so in a manner which was free from political influence .
21 Virtually all of these had done so in their present school .
22 She knew it would wound his dignity that he had been forced to skulk abroad while she had saved the firm — never mind that she had done so in the most unbusinesslike and outrageous manner .
23 True , they had done so in Roman times , but since then the state 's institutional decline meant that the terms of the competition had shifted in favour of the regions and the aristocracy .
24 Some of those who had supported the 1936 rising had done so in the belief that the objective was the overthrow of the Popular Front , but not of the Republic itself .
25 Devonshire serge weavers , for example , were presenting their case to parliament in 1725 , while the journeymen tailors of London had done so in 1720 .
26 And in Britain company chairmen agree with the chancellor of the exchequer , Norman Lamont , about the need for ‘ wider share ownership ’ , but only wish that he had done more in his budget last week than simply to promise to bring privatisation sales direct to the high street .
27 Penelope thought it wiser not to point out that the Stores would certainly be closed by the time she got there , but felt she had done enough in showing her which bus to take .
28 She sat down in a chair by a table and as she had done once in Michael Swinton 's kitchen , put her head down on her folded arms and burst into tears of passionate gratitude .
29 It did n't feel as cold as it had done earlier in the day .
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