Example sentences of "had given [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't know if they had given themselves sufficient time to think things over before they married — that was the kind of question her sister Louise asked .
2 He had given her that household , a little society , warming itself in its own glow of virtue , insulating itself from the big bad world ; but within its own limits it had been open and supportive .
3 Gerry 's mam , God rest her , had given her that vase .
4 He supposed that the man with the Northern actorish accent had given her all the advice she needed .
5 Piphros had given her all the information possible in a limited way .
6 Pigeons , butterfly , bantams , Maman , Aunt Tossie — she had given her all to each , only Dada was left .
7 It was a good thing that Edward Morris had given her another order which he had insisted on paying for in advance .
8 He had n't said anything that had given her any indication that he actually cared for her .
9 Swan asked Amaranth if Harvey had given her any information about the new motorway .
10 Lead technician said the training trip had given her more confidence about how to handle the machines .
11 Laurence had given her some money which fortunately she had n't been too proud to accept .
12 She saw her work laid out there in the garden , all the muscled cold wet harshness of it ; all the labour and the ingrained resistance to working , and she thanked her mother , who had given her this thing .
13 If Benjamin had given her nothing else in their life together he had given her this child , and for that Sarah would forgive him anything .
14 Mary , at reception , had given her this useful piece of information after taking Miss Coldharbour 's call .
15 It was Mark who had persuaded her to approach the bank for a loan , Mark who had suggested her old friend Linda George , who had graduated in business studies at the same time that Theresa had finished her fashion degree , should join forces with her to organise the commercial side , Mark who had given her enough confidence in herself for her to allow her mother to put up her house as security — something Theresa had fought against even whilst realising there was no other way to secure the loan she needed .
16 Anyway , he had given her enough money to have the baby comfortably ; and she had already made up her mind that she was n't going to have it adopted .
17 One who had given me invaluable help in tracking down German sources and participants was a sixty-year-old cultural attaché at the German Embassy by the name of Herbert Sulzbach .
18 On the day the telegram arrived from Southern Ferries , a close friend who had given me much encouragement now began to question my continuing any further .
19 As we approached the loch , in order to impress Blair with my vast knowledge , I repeated Stan 's tale about Pennel Point , being careful not to mention who had given me such valuable information .
20 Ellen had given me one of her pitying looks .
21 In Salamanca , as a parting present , Dana had given me two of his most beloved treasures , two books of Chinese prints and ink drawings .
22 I 'd only been in Monty 's poky little office for ten minutes and already he had given me two priceless lessons in my future profession — to make sure I dressed properly , and never be afraid to ask the question " Why ? "
23 But when we arrived home , we found the stranger had given me two pound notes as well as the coin .
24 The doctors had given me strict orders to keep warm while I was recuperating and there was no heating at all in the house , ’ said Mrs Easby .
25 She had given me this book , Period , and she says that how you feel about your first period affects you all your life , it affects your self-image , so it 's very important .
26 Yet strangely my time at Bristol had given me some relevant training .
27 Robyn , one of the other stage managers , had given me some Hebrew books .
28 During that journey I had only travelled among the Adoimara , and at Bilen they had given me alarming accounts of the ferocity of the Asaimara in Bahdu .
29 Every kind of reason for it went through her mind : the doctor had given him six months to live , his family was moving away from the area , he had been transferred to another school .
30 He tried to hide the crease of worry on his features , but when she asked him whether the debtors had given him extra time he frowned and shook his head .
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