Example sentences of "had given [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 What had been intended as a warning shot across the government 's bows has sunk a government that had given Poland a year of political continuity , maintained budgetary austerity against populist opposition and taken the first steps on two essential reforms that now go into limbo .
2 It is not surprising either to find that English visitors were hostile ; the notable point is that their real venom was unleashed not in the period before 1560 , when England and Scotland were nourishing their long-standing enmity , but afterwards , when they were officially allies , and particularly once the unthinkable and shameful had happened , and Scotland had given England a king , in the person of James VI in 1603 .
3 After Dowie had given Southampton a 13th-minute lead , the whole course of the match hinged on a startling 10-minute spell in the second half .
4 The President had given Mueller an inch , but he had already taken a mile .
5 Faye answered him impatiently , taking his flashing blue eyes completely in her stride , although they had given Belinda a rush of nervous warmth .
6 Just a reminder that Steve Bull had given Wolves a three nil lead after just twenty four minutes .
7 Making biscuits in school to take home to her family had given Fiona an opportunity to share her biscuits , and a chance to share school and home experience .
8 A penalty by Dave Moore had given RI a 3–0 interval lead , Moore going on to score an unconverted try , as did scrum half John Moorby .
9 A penalty by Dave Moore had given RI a 3–0 interval lead , Moore going on to score an unconverted try , as did scrum half John Moorby .
10 No wonder the police had given Wheeler a roasting about security ; it was amazing they had a piece of altar silver to bless themselves with .
11 John Buxton , director of property services at Darlington council , said the authority had given NCP a quote for that work .
12 John Buxton , director of property services at Darlington Council , said the authority had given NCP a quote for that work .
13 He held Oklahoma , South Carolina and Nebraska , but other states forecast victory for Clinton by staggering margins : California — which had given Clinton a 17 per cent lead — put him ahead by 23 per cent ; Arizona 7 ; Ohio 5 ; Michigan 14 ; Colorado 11 ; New Jersey 13 ; Wisconsin 10 , Illinois 14 .
14 He acknowledged that the Illinois and Michigan results had given Clinton a strong lead , and admitted that his own campaign " did n't have the resources to fight the media battle in New York " , the next key primary , due on April 7 .
15 An Alex Snow try and three penalties from Andrew had given London a commanding lead .
16 Earlier Mr Branson had given BA a 24-hour deadline to settle the original dispute .
17 The last general election , in June 1990 [ see pp. 37542-43 ] , had given deputies a two-year mandate to agree on a federal and regional constitutional framework .
18 As the heavy stone had been placed in the middle of the circle , the ground had given way a little .
19 For Ruth 's eleventh birthday , a week or so before , Rachaela had given Ruth a dress she wanted , scarlet and apple green , and Ruth wore it on Christmas Day .
20 One struck a particular chord with the player : it wished him well in his retirement and pointed out that rugby had given Mullin a PhD in travel .
21 Somewhere in the back of his mind was the knowledge that Legion wanted the woman kept alive , but the sight of Kreig 's ears had given Ardamal a thirst , and he needed to slake it .
22 Lally had given Nicandra a little push — no .
23 Current Manager George Thomson said the celebrations had given staff an opportunity to reflect on the Branch 's long history during which it had played an important role in providing financial services to the community .
24 The upshot of that , though , was that Travis felt worse than ever on learning that Derek Talbot had called to again ask Rosemary for a divorce , but that Rosemary had given Derek an outright ‘ no ’ .
25 Hannele had given Edward a sheet of paper with names and numbers on it , which now lay on the desk .
26 Once , just to know that Elise was a couple of hundred miles away , profitably painting , had given Merrill a sense of security , of belonging .
27 I had given Leslie an antique bloodstone in quite a massive setting , with the motto Spero Meliora engraved on the seal .
28 Feldstein had given Holly a magazine and said he wanted it no longer .
29 He had given Gina a column to take in to his paper while he was away .
30 Last year for Christmas she had given Louise a red rubber medical bathmat for the aged .
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