Example sentences of "had never seen [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mehtab , for instance , had never seen her mother or father sunbathing in the back garden .
2 He had never seen her mother or her aunt so he could n't look for family resemblances .
3 Philip had never seen her smoke before .
4 He had never seen her move so fast .
5 Benny had never seen her friend so low .
6 It is more than likely that Cis had never seen her young brother/son act in any formal sense at this time .
7 His daughter had never seen her father and had no idea of what he would be like .
8 She had never seen her mother cry .
9 Pressed by the nuns to complete a kettleholder in cross-stitch as a present for her father , she had replied that she had never seen her father holding a kettle and that Daddy had gone away .
10 Even with the soot-stains on her skin — perhaps because of them — I had never seen her look so radiant .
11 She had never seen her mother 's withered leg ; indeed , imagining it had fuelled some of the worst nightmares of her childhood , worse even than Afghanistan which was at least safely half a world anyway , not just down a corridor , released from its sheath of leather and metal , grotesque and awful .
12 I had never seen them before ; relatives summoned from the north of the country , perhaps .
13 I knew of the Knowlton Circles in Dorset but I had never seen them , although I had seen an air photograph .
14 I had never seen them before and they obviously came from some very rural place in the Apennines .
15 Howarth stared at the two dummies as if he had never seen them before .
16 The laddies back there had never seen them before .
17 When I came across Kathleen Woodward 's Jipping Street I read it with the shocked amazement of one who had never seen what she knew written down before .
18 Jane had never seen him so depressed , his anger frequently spilling over into words to her , as the dwellings went up with hideous and indecent haste , flaunting a flag : ‘ Waterloo Homes ’ right next to his drive .
19 Now he was starting to cry , and I had never seen him cry before .
20 Mungo had never seen him so cheerful , even though he had failed to buy anything for himself .
21 The children had never seen him embarrassed before .
22 She had never seen him with his hair cut short , and the absence of the red-blond locks made him for a moment unrecognisable .
23 Franco had never seen him so drunk and , although Maidstone 's intake of alcohol had often been greater on past occasions , this time he just went to pieces .
24 Abel was now nine and his grandfather had never seen him .
25 She had never seen him in this mood before , but the expression on his face was familiar .
26 Benny had stared at him as if she had never seen him before .
27 She had never seen him dressed as he was this morning .
28 And strangely enough she felt that she knew him but that was absurd , she had never seen him before .
29 I had never seen him before in my life .
30 Carver had never seen him smile .
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