Example sentences of "had been a few " in BNC.

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1 And there had been a few lines from Ellen , proving that Oreste so far from being carried to heaven by an angel was firmly rooted in East Retford and had grown another two inches .
2 It had been a few years since he had served Mass last as an altar-boy in Rosstrevor , and even the new authority of his police sergeant 's stripes did little to compensate for his nervousness at being on the altar again .
3 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
4 For , he was sure , no mistake , there had been a few flings in her life .
5 But , he stood , not a little giddy , the fear to fall , and this must be ( sweat popped his head like bubbles ) , a long way , the worse hangover — and there had been a few — of all his thirty-seven years .
6 All she had been told when she came round after the anaesthetic was that there had been a few complications and the operation had taken rather longer than had been expected .
7 It had been a few months before Roy realised he had married what his mother would have called ‘ a lazy bitch ’ .
8 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
9 She reported that her supper had been a few broad beans swimming in oil , that the bread was stale and that she had been put under a woman who did n't know starch from steam .
10 She 'd had it for seven years , and it had been a few years old when she and Tony had bought it .
11 There had been a few times , with my accent , I 'd been called names , but as soon as they knew I was Jewish I had a hundred mothers and brothers and fathers to take care of me .
12 It had been a few years since I 'd ridden a bike but it 's like sex , providing you do n't fall off , you soon get back into the swing of it .
13 True , there had been a few unhappy minutes when they 'd been having coffee in Karlovy Vary when she and Ven had reared up at each other .
14 Parish clerk Jennie Flintoff said there had been a few accidents at the entrance to the village .
15 I wish it had been a few more noughts on it !
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