Example sentences of "had such a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One can be perfectly sure that had such a momentous event happened on the Lord 's Day , that fact alone would have been reported over and over again , the comfortable synchronicity of it all being a matter for boundless pleasure .
2 Of course , she did n't believe every Sagittarian had felt someone was plotting against them , or that each and every one had such a momentous decision to make .
3 Delegates could choose from the whole range of subjects throughout but the Dance Section had such a wide variety of topics and practical workshops that it hard to find time to fit everything in .
4 I had such a lazy week Christmas week I went down to er Northamptonshire to my son 's .
5 It was a good thing , Ken admitted , that Wendy had such a placid and loving temperament .
6 This meant a heavy involvement at senior management level and a heavy workload for both the Computer Services Division and the new Payroll/Personnel Departments in order to implement and operate a system which had such a radical effect on the organisation and administration of payroll and personnel records .
7 It was this lack of independence which so appalled her , while at the same time she knew , when it came down to fundamentals , that she had such a vulnerable appendage permanently dependent on her .
8 She had such a morbid fear of letting down her husband and the royal family ‘ firm ’ that she performed her official duties when she was quite clearly unwell .
9 They had such a long distance that they were allowed to have a police bicycle .
10 This was mainly for financial reasons , as the show had such a tiny budget , but it worked quite well .
11 They had such a tiny life cycle it still had trainer wheels on it .
12 I had such a horrific adolescence and childhood , it 's not surprising I found a way out , an escape from the pain .
13 Hussa was a large , enveloping woman with a large , enveloping sense of humour ; she walked with the rolling gait of a shore-bound sailor and her veils had such a haphazard permanence , you felt they were an outgrowth of her personality rather than a covering .
14 I was surprised to find that she had such a rich and violent internal life and that all this was smouldering and seething away .
15 He had such a strange look … ’
16 Eleanor Thorne moved her head about uneasily on the pillow for a moment or two , wishing she had not complained about the soap , for now Alida might change the brand , keep that tablet to herself , And if it did not lather well , it had such a distinctive scent , a scent Eleanor liked .
17 But everything else about the electoral coverage left me cold because it had such a restricted view of politics as a game with rules that do n't actually touch people .
18 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
19 Why was she so unhappy when she had such a charmed life ?
20 As the Enlightenment and early capitalism had such a major effect in Great Britain , let us home in on England .
21 It was fabulous because King Crimson had such a tremendous sound and such a tremendous image that for them to suddenly stand up and do a lot of Buddy Holly hits with Donovan singing vocals was really cute .
22 ‘ We had such a great time on stage that we wanted to do something else , ’ said Kylie .
23 ‘ Good , I 'm glad to hear you had such a successful afternoon . ’
24 Yet I had such a deep longing for the romantic friendship , for the ami amant , for that ‘ someone to watch over me ’ , that I was often half tempted to succumb to the wiles of youths I felt pretty sure were plain-clothes detectives from the Vice Squad or undercover agents for MI5 .
25 Poor Maxine had such a low opinion of herself that it was going to be necessary to build up her confidence in general , so that she would then be able to play a part in her own treatment .
26 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
27 Even Japan had such a low ratio of imports to GNP that it was repeatedly accused by Washington of covert protectionism , worked through its opaque distribution system .
28 Luke , the man who had such a low opinion of her and who had contrived this date presumably to serve his own devious ends , this man who had denied — yes , even earlier tonight — any involvement with Elise …
29 rather I do n't think the advertising industry had such a strong sense of duty but I assume
30 She had such a strong sense of being in the right , of having behaved in a morally correct manner .
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