Example sentences of "had the good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He worked as its honorary secretary until its demise in 1919 when , according to his own view in his Seventy Years among Savages ( 1921 ) , ‘ It ended as it began in its character of Forlorn Hope ; we had the good will of the free-lances , not of the public or the professors . ’
2 She was well educated ; she had the good memory we all got from her , and she really did get to know about pictures and architecture , more than most dilettantes .
3 Controversy may have raged round the royal head of Marina Ogilvy but she had the good sense to choose a dress she could wear after her baby was born
4 What is immediately notable , however , is that Mary 's own subjects , the Scots — that is , those in Scotland left to deal with the crisis created by her deposition in 1567 and flight to England in 1568 , rather than Catholic exiles like Blackwood and the bishop of Ross , on whom there were no restraints — had the good sense to keep as quiet as possible .
5 The University of Texas at Austin is very rich — it had the good sense to find oil on its own land .
6 A local , standing nearby , eventually intervened , saying : ‘ Now gentlemen , if only you had the good sense to ask me first .
7 He had been a successful prize fighter at the time and had the good sense to buy the Blue Boar from the proceeds of the noble art .
8 In the disastrous oidium plague of 1852 , the company had the good sense to buy up a great proportion of the old wine on the island , thus acquiring excellent stocks .
9 She had the good sense to say she did n't .
10 Public NME had the good sense to decline an invitation to a party for FLOWERED UP and their short film Weekender .
11 Before he lost his money he had the good sense to commission John Soane to design the Campden Hill Square house .
12 One was found — ‘ a pragmatic , civilized feminist who did not pretend to understand all that had happened to Laura but had the good sense to see that she was a great deal saner than her parents .
13 I am still rather surprised that I had the good sense for once in my life to follow my hunch and come and see you .
14 Textiles workers , Greater London Staff Association , Apex , tailor and garment workers , they were all wooed by other unions but they all had the good sense to merge into the G M B. In the next few months we 'll be joined by members of E F T A T. I am delighted that the Special E F T A T Conference voted in favour of the G M B. I welcome that decision and I pay tribute to the many colleagues who worked so hard to achieve that victory .
15 I had the good sense to let go of the trumpet case and try and keep rolling out of range .
16 Laura declared , so viciously that Ross hoped his ex-personal assistant had the good sense to stay in Australia .
17 Husband had the good looks of a schoolboy football star who had reached forty with one mighty bound : a strong nose , high forehead , brown hair set in tousled wiry waves .
18 What had the good physician been doing at the Tower ?
19 ONE OF the finest conductors of his generation , Witold Rowicki had the good fortune to play a central role in his country 's musical reconstruction after the Second World War .
20 Just because you had the good fortune to pay nothing for your very expensive university education does little to justify a system of higher education which , at the same time , excluded 85 per cent of your age group from the privileged position you evidently enjoyed .
21 But the comments which most hit home were those of the young Lord Altrincham , in his English and National Review , a magazine of scarcely greater significance , but which had the good fortune to publish its August 1957 edition on a newsless Bank Holiday .
22 Last week she had the good fortune to have as guest the great art historian Sir Ernst Gombrich .
23 Then he had the good fortune to meet Commander D. W. Child RN who had been an intelligence officer in Holland and who Blake had met there .
24 I had the good fortune to work with a brilliant head of department , and paid £10 for a 1927 Austin 7 in which I drove uncertainly every day from Wimbledon .
25 My subject was French history , and although my focus was on a relatively obscure piece of ecclesiastical history I had the good fortune to work with the most genial and scholarly of humanists , Professor Alfred Cobban of the University of London .
26 Before sunrise I had the good fortune to discover that it was no longer necessary to maintain the horizontal posture , and came out on deck at two o'clock in the morning to see a noble full moon sinking westward and millions of the most brilliant stars shining overhead .
27 His lectures on the eye , the foetal circulation , and especially on the foot , would never , it was claimed , be forgotten by those who had the good fortune to hear him .
28 A father of two children , now grown-up , he had the good fortune to work early on with author Bill Martin on Brown Bear , Brown Bear , What Do You See ? — now a pre-school classic .
29 ‘ We had the good fortune to have fixed ropes in place all the way down but there were gusts of 100mph which literally lifted us up off our feet and threw us back down again , ’ said Harry .
30 That continued with some effort for the next twenty-five years , when I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lady Collins , who had inspired a succession of what was eventually called Fount Books , some reprints of more expensive books , some specially written for her series , both varieties being published in paperback , at the lowest possible price .
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