Example sentences of "had [been] take to " in BNC.

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1 Her family heard she had been taken to the Regional Command Military camp in Legaspi City .
2 A Hungarian source told the Guardian the pastor 's family believed he had been taken to a village in north-eastern Transylvania , near the Hungarian border .
3 David had originally made a demo with John Hutchinson , a demo which had been taken to Philips who were releasing in this country for Mercury Records in America , and they all agreed that this would be the first single under that contract . ’
4 The British had been taken to the cleaners because foolish politicians in post-war Britain had elected to produce sociologists instead of engineers , and the predictable end result was that Britain had been short on wealth creators and long on spenders .
5 Miss Azovtseva also denied that the escaped whales — one of which is still in the Mediterranean — had been taken to Sevastopol from the Pacific coast for military research .
6 In fact , to my eyes , the appearance of informality had been taken to a faintly ludicrous degree .
7 He felt sorry for his opponent , whose close friend and helper had been taken to hospital during the race , so he decided to give his spirits a lift by allowing him to win , but did so without letting anyone else realise exactly what was happening .
8 Even after her father had been taken to court for the abuses his family suffered , he quickly began to turn his attention to the girls , including Penny — by then married and seven months pregnant .
9 Too ill to speak , he had been taken to Marblehead , Massachusetts .
10 It is worth pointing out that , if the initial Killing vector had been taken to be , which is ( 12.25 ) with and , an equivalent transformation would have been obtained with and .
11 A fifteen-year-old boy , the oldest of the nine , had been taken to a secure unit .
12 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
13 So , although she was aware of getting ‘ red ’ letters , she never realised that she had been taken to court .
14 Then Liza told me that Mrs Mitchell had died in childbirth and that Nelly herself had been taken to Wolverhampton to live with an aunt and uncle .
15 The Hawick policeman told me it was a very serious accident in which Moira , Rachel , Fiona and Alastair had all been involved : they had been taken to different hospitals but he did not know the extent of their injuries or any other details .
16 There were even suggestions that some MPs had been taken to one side and the name of their girlfriends ‘ mentioned in a threatening manner ’ .
17 CASE STUDY 3.4 — MR HAMISH A social worker was called to see an old man in his seventies who had been taken to the police station for shoplifting a tin of corned beef .
18 Then he had been taken to a torture room , where he was told , ‘ it is in your interests to give up resistance and to co-operate . ’
19 Et cetera , the et cetera going on to explain that she had been taken to the hospital and there examined by Doctor Bright in the presence of Constable Makepeace .
20 Colt had been taken to the hotel where the target was staying …
21 He had been taken to the fourth floor at exactly the time of his appointment .
22 He had been taken to the Colonel 's bungalow .
23 After sentence had been passed he had been taken to the cells , then back to Dalston in a black van .
24 Doris , the girl who worked next to Anne , had been killed and her parents injured after they had been taken to a rest centre from their bombed house .
25 The plain shimmered below a cloudless sky , and it was not unusual to hear that some contadino ( peasant ) who had been working in the afternoon heat had been taken to the local hospital suffering or even dying from sunstroke .
26 They said he had been taken to a nearby farmhouse where he was being given shelter for the time being , and that his name was Eric .
27 I went for news again and this time was told that both my father and Dr Sambataro had been taken to the San Francesco Prison , a civilian prison in Parma .
28 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
29 But it explained the numbers that did n't add up — though not why Brigitte Schickert was shown on her certificate as having died in Dornhausen when everybody seemed to know she had been taken to hospital .
30 Faye had been taken to Labour and Delivery , where she waited in a private room for Dr Greene 's arrival .
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